
AOL News – 8th May, 2013 – On A High

"Newsletter" buttonAcademy of Light Incorporated-Supporting Your Souls Journey

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us that we can be peaceful.

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FYI – From the Heart

 The Body-Mind Connection

Medical Doctor and cancer surgeon, Ryke Geerd Hamer has examined 20,000 cancer patients with all types of cancer over the past 10 years.  During this time he has found and proved a link between unresolved stress/conflict which effect the emotional reflex centre in the brain which are in tern connected to specific organs.  The organs cells become deformed in the tissues creating cancer cells.  Click here to read the full article.

Australian Bush Flower Essence - EmergencyRemember there are lots of tools that can be used to stop those cells from becoming deformed.  Try in the mist of an emergency Ian Whites Bush Flower Emergency Essence, do Ho’ oponopono or Theta Healing.  Call in the Angels, your guides.  Notice these stresses immediately clear them before they become embed into your Mind-Body-Spirit.



We’d like to share with you a must watch on YouTubeyoutube.  This video ‘Autistic Girl Expresses Unimaginable Intelligence’ is under ten minutes but within that time it gives you an amazing insight into the world of Autism.  A young girl is able to communicate her experience through words on a computer.  The sensory overload that is explained is very illuminating.  It makes us aware that we are too quick to judge what we are seeing.


 2013 So Far…

Big DipperRosemary likens it to a big dipper another person has described it as more of everything.  More highs, more lows.  The highs are higher and the lows are lower.  More joy, more dramas.

The Star Elders via Aluna Joy in her article First Signs Of Physical Ascension Are Here’ suggest:

Our advice to glide through this time is to stay grounded, stay as positive as possible but stay authentic to the moment, take care of your human vehicle, find your like-minded support groups, and go with the flow as much as possible. But most of all . . . know that all is well. You will succeed at this ascension in spite of the bumps that rattle your self-confidence. You are on a one-way conveyor belt to the next world now. You can’t mess up at this point. Relax and let go, and keep your eyes open to all the experiences in front of you as you will not see this time come again.

~ The Star Elders


Thought of the Day

Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck!!!….Anon. Angel Blessings


In and Around the Academy

Academy of Light - Supporting Your Souls JourneyWith Rosemary Butterworth

I hope to see you all next week for a special reason.   I have just been speaking with someone who told me that she goes to Kundalini Yoga and there she learnt that the sound of the gong is very healing in particular the gongs take the body back to the parasympathetic nervous system.  I have always loved listening to John play the gongs and have felt fabulous afterwards but didn’t know the physical reason.  You have probably heard me say that too much Adrenalin switches the body to ‘fright and flight’ mechanism, that is the sympathetic nervous system.  This is one of the main causes of anxiety and stress.

But what I wasn’t aware of was, that simply listening to the gongs brought the body back to the PNS system.  The human body was meant to work with the PNS operating, this brings the body to balance and a state of peace can be felt.  Wow!!! 

John played his gongs in Forster last Saturday Night.   When I awoke during the night I noticed how well and peaceful I felt, and as I walked to the toilet, I noticed how straight and tall I was standing.  My back felt supple and there was no pain.  (More gonging please John).

So if you are like me and want to be free of back  pain and feel relaxed and peaceful – come and listen to the Gongs next Monday night.

P.S.  Mark ………will be recording them and we hope that finally we will have them not only for sale but on the website.  We will be able to listen to them each day.


AFFIRMATION – say throughout the day…

 “I forgive everyone, including myself.”

                                                                                   DR. WAYNE W. DYER  dr-wayne-dyer3


HEALTH – The Power of the Gong

power-of-the-gongThe Gong is an ancient, sacred and very powerful instrument for healing. As a form of Sound Healing it works on all levels – physical, mental, emotional & spiritual, resonating at a very deep level. The gong vibrates at the same frquency as the body so helps you to clear, release and heal.

On a physical level, the gong releases tension and blocks in the body, it stimulates a higher functioning of the glandular and nervous system, it increases prana, our vital life force and improves circulation.

The gong also works deeply on the mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. The gong purifies and quietens the mind (unlike other sound healing the mind cannot predict the sound of the gong) It literally cuts through the mind and clears the clutter from the subconscious mind to reveal the radiant and authentic self. It has the capacity to bring us to our neutral mind helping to turn the mind to a state of stillness where innate wisdom can be accessed. Another benefit that comes from the mind stilling, is repair at the DNA and cellular level allowing deep healing to take place.

Whether a physical, mental or spiritual issue the pure penetrating sound waves of the healing gong will enable you to break free of old patterns and re-generate and re-balance yourself. Working within all the parameters of the body there is nowhere that the resonance of the healing gong cannot penetrate. It will bypass the mind and go straight to the root of the problem.

The powerful healing of the gong continues after the gong has finished playing.

some more info


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr of  Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay.
Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.


MONDAY, 13th May, 2013

Ascension Through Sound & Meditations

john-butterworthJOHN (With his Gongs)  & ROSEMARY BUTTERWORTH Rosemary-Lets-Have-Fun

John and Rosemary once again, unite as a team and take you to heights that you may not have experienced before.  Get ready!  Be prepared to take a leap into another reality and experience unity consciousness, joy and laughter.

While Rosemary leads you through a deep meditation that will invite you to release your past memories, pain and attachments and clear your chakras,  John will be guided what to play that will assist you.

Last time John amazed us with two gong sessions which were quite different.  Come along and see what spirit has install for us.

To find out more about:Rosemary:  Michael’s and email to
John: and email to


MONDAY, 20th May, 2013

“What’s love got to do with everyday Miracles?” 


Come along and experience:

• Through a beautiful interactive exercise we will have the opportunity to create, offer and receive some extraordinary everyday miracles together.

• Hear about small morsels of magic from her latest book, The Little Book of Everyday Miracles whilst exploring the intersection of love and miracles.

• From The Course of Miracles it is written, “Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love. The real miracle is the love that inspires them. In this sense everything that comes from love is a miracle.”

In a world where turmoil and disaster appear daily in the news, we would be forgiven for thinking our beautiful world has reached a point of no return. In fact, there is a silent revolution turning a tidal wave of chaos into an ocean of miracles. Ordinary people are reaching out and connecting to each other in numbers never before seen. Those who work towards freedom and liberation of all humanity are quietly transforming the world. One person’s random act of kindness becomes another person’s miracle.

True appreciation is simply remembering that life is a gift. The joy of taking a deep breath cannot be taken for granted, especially when you have seen someone take their last. The gratitude that fills your heart when your child succeeds in getting a dream job, or your grandchild says ‘I love you’ cannot be underestimated. The peace we experience when we befriend an old enemy is possibly the greatest miracle imaginable. The willingness to let go of complaining, let go of being a victim, let go of our addictions to drama, brings into our lives a world of everyday miracles.

Sharon is the author of three highly acclaimed books, including ‘The 12 Levels of Being’, ‘Looking for Lionel’ and her latest book , ‘The Little Book of Everyday Miracles’ as well as a teacher, psychotherapist and healer.

For over 25 years I have worked with clients to support them in claiming their wisdom, stand in their truth and realise their purpose.

Contact Sharon on or view her website –



Radical Passion – Revolution of the Sacred Feminine
Andrew Harvey Australian Tour 2013

Andrew Harvey

SYDNEY 24-26 May

Dear Friends

In a few days Andrew Harvey will be arriving in Australia from India, his heart roaring with passion and love, ready to meet each of you. Andrew’s work is an outpouring of the Divine Feminine.

Andrew is touring Australia, he will teach 32 separate events, coincidentally the same number of books he has published, on subjects as diverse as Rumi, Sacred Activism, Love in Action, Sacred Masculine, Sacred Feminine, and the Dark Feminine. I know many of my friends who attended Andrew’s events last year, had their lives deeply touched and their spiritual journey and service to the world has significantly enriched. It was a strong destiny that had me meet Andrew in 2011, and his presence in my life has had a profound effect, sorting out the grain from the chaff of my spiritual practice and experiences, helping me get to the core of what is real and lasting; genuine service to others and the Christ-ing of the soul. I am dedicated to bringing Andrew Harvey to Australian shores again and again so that the bright comet that is his spirit, ignites the passion of compassion in each of us…..Jeremy Ball, Transformational Tours.


Andrew has written a wonderful article on Rumi and the Transformation of Consciousness in April NOVA magazine, read it to get a taste of what’s to come:

To see flyer on full Andrew Harvey Tour Details click here.


Community Announcements



I look forward to seeing you all soon and welcoming you all to our new centre, Level 1/59 Hume St , Crows Nest.

For your entertainment and enlightenment I would like to inform you of our upcoming Events below:
Free Introduction:                  7th May
Practice Night:                        14th May & 21st May
Basic ThetaHealing®:           17th – 19th  May
Advanced ThetaHealing®:   24th – 26th of May
Intuitive Anatomy:                 3rd– 21st of June
Spiritual Movie Night:           21st June
Disease & Disorder:                9th – 20th September


Basic Teachers Instructors :   7th – 10th November, Advanced Teachers Instructors:  11th – 12th November, Rainbow Children Teachers Instructors:  14th – 18th November

(Please note the Basic & Advanced Practitioners are a pre-requisite to do any of Vianna’s classes in November 2013)

BOOK NOW – numbers are strictly limited…02 9613 0712



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks.
An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account:
Academy of Light at St George Bank
BSB:  112 879   Account No: 485610498

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.
To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Academy of  Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

Scal Australia | Facebook



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– © Copyright 2013 – Academy of Light Inc.  ABN: 26680515199