
About the Academy of Light


The Academy of Light is founded in 1995 by Rosemary (a well known spiritual Medium) and John Butterworth, after Rosemary had an amazing encounter with Archangel Michael in the rainforest of Hana, Maui. Rosemary Butterworth (then Whitfield) was guided to hold a space where like-minded people interested in spirituality, could gather. She teamed up with John Butterworth who was very interested in community and sustainability.

Together with the help of 2 others, they started The Southern Cross Academy of Light – later named: the Academy of Light.

Mission of the Academy of Light

The Academy provides a space, a safe haven during the Earth changes and the shift in consciousness that is taking place on the planet.

Whatever patterns within us that don’t align with Truth, Love, Peace and Joy are being brought to the surface for us to take the responsibility of clearing them.

This is the shift in consciousness that is needed – the shift from the focus of what is wrong with the world to one of the love and joy that is always there but kept buried under the multitude of negatives. So while people are going through these painful tribulations, the Academy is here to assist and support them.

The Academy is a community of love: within it are people with incredible skills and gifts ready to assist the movement into an age of Awakening on the planet and the opening of Consciousness with people on their personal journeys of Spiritual Awakening, enabling to help spread the messages of the Light further afield.

Teachers and Healers

Over the years, The Academy has attracted many teachers of self-development and healing modalities, from spiritual teachers, healers, mediums, channeling, to natural medicine, and more... These dedicated people all feel that their mission is to help people understand what they are going through and how to release it and heal. Somehow these people find the Academy and ask to present to people their discoveries and share what they have found to be true for them and how it has helped them.

In the first 15 years there was clearly a need for spiritually minded people to connect with other and several branches of the Academy sprung up as a result if it. The Academy also had it’s own full color magazine: ShiningBRIGHT (you can browse the articles on this website).

In 2012 the name was changed from The Southern Cross Academy of Light to Academy of Light when the Academy became Incorporated. The founders were close to retirement and wanted to ensure the continuation of their ideals that the Academy was based upon.

At the end of 2017 Rosemary and John both retired and moved away from Sydney, handing over the running of the Academy to a Committee of volunteers.


We meet once a month in the beautiful Art Gallery in Mosman (Sydney). Maintaining our focus on assisting people to heal, discover, and be enlightened in so many different ways. We aim to offer people an inspiring experience of different modalities that can help them further on their path. We also offer people the opportunity to meet like-minded people while having a cuppa at the end of our events.

If you would like to speak at the Academy of if you would like to help out, feel free to contact us for a chat.