
AOL News – 4th April, 2012 – Happy Easter!

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our weekly newsletter

The Southern Cross Academy of Light (SCAL) is a part of a Worldwide Spiritual Community that exists to assist in bringing new consciousness to all Humanity. We provide a welcoming, non-judgemental space for a variety of teachers and healers to deliver their messages through our meetings, e-Newsletter, website and Facebook.

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us that it is time to give.


Thought of the Week

kindnessKind thoughts produce kind actions; kind actions change the nature of society.

…Rosemary Butterworth



An email from Robbie Holz:

Hi Everyone,

I’m so excited.  I was notified today my book Secrets of Aboriginal Healing is a finalist for a prestigious book award.  I’m one of 12 finalists in the Mind/Body/Spirit section.  The winners will be announced June 23 in Anaheim, California at the Book Expo.

Stay tuned.



Congratulations from all of us in Australia.  It is a wonderful book that can help many.  secrets-of-aboriginal-healingThe Academy is thrilled to be the distributor for Secrets of Aboriginal Healing in Australia.

(On line $18 plus $5 postage).

Here is some Easter reading for you ‘Light of Truth’ by Karen Wade.  A wonderful story of a near death experience and how in the sharing of this it went on to transform the lives of others in particular Karen who wrote the book , ‘Truth Creates Heaven on Earthtruth-creates-heaven-on-earth.     It is amazing how Spirit or the Angels send people and their books to us knowing the contents can help and inspire.  The Academy helps to get these books out there.  Send us an email to order.  $24.95 plus $10 postage.

To read your Easter story click here.


Health tips- The Spleen

Feeling frustrated, angry overly sensitive and easily swayed? – read on about the Spleen.

When I have scanned a client, I have often found thought patterns of self-criticism and judgement which were causing restriction in their  life and needed to be released in their spleen.

Here is an excerpt from The Secret Language of the Body about the Spleen and how to release:

Feeling helpless, disconnected from feminine energy, fearful, frozen, angry frustrated.  Overly sensitive and easily swayed.  Constantly trying to find fault in others and to control or change them.  Not wanting to face your own issues and participate in life fully.  Continually worrying and stressing about others.


Close your eyes.  Make a fist with both hands.  Place your thumbs over the ring fingers.  Focus on the feelings of anger, frustration, helplessness and fear that are stuck in your spleen and in your body.  Breathe deeply as you allow yourself to fully connect with those feelings.  Do this for 3-60 seconds.  Tighten your whole body for 10-20 seconds.  Then completely relax and open your palms.  Repeat this process several times until you feel more relaxed.

Say: “Divine Healing Intelligence, I ask you to release all helplessness, fear, frustration, control and dissatisfaction from my spleen, as well as all points of view, positive and negative charge, and all patterns that contribute to this condition.”  Repeat the word “CLEAR” until you feel a shift occur.

Say: “Divine Healing Intelligence, please heal and regenerate my spleen and all related organs to their maximum health, vitality and wellbeing.”

The Secret Language of the Body is available through the Academy for $34.95 postage $10.  the-secret-language-of-your-body


Affirmation – say every day.

Take three deep breaths and relax. Say:

“I deeply and completely Love & Accept Myself.” connect-to-love


In and Around The Academy

logo_small2from Rosemary Butterworth.

Sending love to you all for a wonderful Easter with families and farms and gardens and plantings and paintings and sunshine and horizons…Annette Sharpe.

Annette’s lovely Easter wish to us all made me remember an epiphany I had recently.  I realised that our farm, Jacaranda Haven was not being built as a healing centre but as a beautiful space where the environment could lift the people up into the next dimension;  the environment alone as Dr. Bruce Lipton always says, creates the species.  As people become the new human, they won’t be a need for healing anymore.

So, this Easter, remember to make sure the environment you are in is full of happy thoughts, ones of gratitude and kindness.  (And if it is not then read the Thought of the Week and see how you can make it happen!)


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, cnr of Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay. Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.

In the last few weeks Rosemary has been guided to give messages to those with sick friends and family.  The candles are then placed in the centre for Love and Light to manifest for all.


EASTER MONDAY, 9th April, 2012 **CLOSED**

The Academy will not be gathering this Monday.  See you the following week for Rachelle Sewell!


MONDAY, 16th April, 2012

rachelle-sewellRESONATE ESSENCES – Tools You Can Use To Raise Your Vibration

With Rachelle Sewell

The Resonate Essences are an uplifting new range of colour, light & sound vibrations resonating with a powerful emotional state of being.   Come join us to discover simple & effective tools you can use yourself at home to support change & achieve results in your life.

You’ll learn:

* how the essences were gifted from Spirit in a near death experience

* what it means to resonate

* understanding your vibration & how to know where it’s at

* how to use the essences to support shifts for yourself & others

* All attendants receive a free sample of Clear & Ground essence

Rachelle Sewell is a Kinesiologist, Hypnotherapist & Life Between Lives Spiritual Regression practitioner who has worked with thousands of clients to facilitate change in their health & well-being in her Sydney clinic.   She is passionate about empowering others to take responsibility for creating changes in their own lives after working through her own health challenges: life threatening allergies and being told to ‘live in a bubble.

‘”My greatest joy comes from seeing others overcoming their obstacles to achieve their dreams, whether that’s having more energy, finding loving relationships,conceiving a child, or living a more fulfilling & financially rewarding life.” Rachelle Sewell



MONDAY, 23rd April, 2012

christine-banniganNLP for the Soul

With Christine Bannigan

Christine will chat with you about some of her interesting spiritual experiences. She will also take you through a channelled process for finding more freedom.

Christine has been practicing NLP for twelve years, and has been instrumental in helping many people release entrenched patterns of fear, depression and resignation.  Along the way, Christine has also healed herself of cancer and written two books – Contract to Live and The Blossoming Heart both of which are available through The Academy ( ).

Her work can be poignant and direct, awakening clients to the subconscious limiting imprints defining their lives. Conversely, it may be so subtle that the person is not immediately aware of the lock that has been broken, that is until they start to experience an unexplained sense of freedom.  Either way, the transformational energies hone in on the deepest layers of being, unravelling embedded beliefs and behaviours that have kept us in an emotional gridlock far too long.

Christine encourages you to “be yourself, not your programs,” and through her private coaching sessions, channelling, workshops and books, she supports you to embrace your divine potential.

For more about Christine go to:


What’s On



Step into Self Mastery through THE PATH OF LOVE

with Ishtar


Series of 6  One-Day Workshops to Change Your Life

Saturday April 28th – Acceptance and  Surrender
Saturday May 26th – Compassion and Observance
Saturday  July 14th – Faith and Service
Saturday August 11th – Forgiveness and  Love
Saturday September 8th – Wisdom and Divinity
Saturday October  20th – Creation and Mystery

For more information click here to see flyer.
COST: $100 each day  (concession for pensioners and unemployed $70). OR SAVE $100 AND PAY JUST  $500 FOR 6 DAYS BEFORE MARCH 30TH.
6 days paid in advance – $500  (Concession $350) OR $100 EACH DAY.

WHERE:   BEYOND THE ORDINARY TEA HOUSE, Level 1, 314 Darling Street,   Balmain.
TIME: 10am – 5.30pm
TO BOOK:  Email  Ishtar at or  phone Ishtar on 0415 980  216.


the-new-humanBECOMING A NEW HUMAN.


What can we expect from the future? According to visionary and futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard, we will see a new type of human emerge in the world. She calls this the Universal Human, and it could be the key to our survival as a species.

There is a need to upgrade our body and mind so it can take more Light. So come and be part of the dramatic transformation – explore what needs to be released to be accepted to be able to safely raise our light frequencies to become a new human.
To read more about this new course click here

When:  2nd May, – 20th June.
Where: 1st Floor 89 Chandos Street, St Leonards.
Bookings: email or phone (02) 9967 4425


Community Announcements


“Following our first Affinity Network gathering and numerous rave emails and comments, we are excited to present our next event , “The Wisdom of the Elders” at the Chapel by the Sea on 14th April  at 7.00 for 7.30 pm. We have chosen the Chapel once again for its central location and peaceful and supportive environment.

Our fundamental goal at these gatherings is to inspire and connect with people and bring love, peace and happiness to the world with music, the arts, meditation and conversation.
The Affinity Network is a concept created, produced and facilitated by Medicine Music and is an independent,non-aligned gathering of like minded people looking for that “something more.

Our gathering this time will be held on land cared for from time immemorial by the Eora/Daruk people and once again we will be supporting the work of  Australian nun Sister Yeshe Chodron – Kalyanananitra (Spiritual friend) Foundation in India.

Book early online to avoid disappointment at
We are offering earlybird specials for $20 if you book online, or $25 at the door.

ron-ragel-and-vicki-hansenVicki Hansen
Big Bang
ph. +61 2 9543 1079  mob. 0414 766 695



MOBILE—0414 843 440


Guided Imagery and Music

louise-terry-clark-smlWith Louise Terry-Clark (RMT)

Want someone to talk to? Enjoy music?
Louise Terry-Clark has 10 years experience as a registered therapist and is now offering a beautiful method of discovering the inner self, via Guided Imagery and Music (GIM).
The Bonny method of Guided Imagery and Music is a music-oriented exploration of consciousness. It offers persons the opportunity to integrate spiritual, emotional, mental and physical aspects of well-being as well as awaken to a greater transcendent identification. Specifically sequenced music programs are used to stimulate a dynamic unfolding of inner experiences. A dialogue between therapist (guide) and client (traveller) enhances this rich experience.
Guided Imagery and Music can support self discovery, spiritual development, trauma, grief and loss, relationships, post cancer support and much more.
As Louise is in her final year of Post Graduate study (Guided Imagery and Music) 90 minute sessions are offered at a reduced cost of $30. First session is offered free of charge, so those interested can trial this method.
For more information please CLICK HERE



Voice and Sound Healing Workshop with Lou Van Stone lou-van-stone

Saturday 28th April 2012  10.00am – 5pm (registration from 9.30am)

Northern Rivers Conservatorium
Corner of Magellan Street and Keen Street, Lismore

$65 per person
To book contact Lou: 02 6688 6213, 0402 388 380

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn the secrets of sound.

Discover an amazing way to calm the mind, relax the body and enrich the soul.

Did you know that the nervous system communicates through sound?  Singing has been proven to release feel good chemicals in the brain, such as seratonin and dopamine, to create a wonderful natural high and sense of well-being.  It has been used by many to alleviate stress and help heal physical problems.

Lou Van Stone has many years experience as a devotional singer, sound healer and vocal coach.  Her life has been transformed by sound and she is passionate about giving this gift to others.  Lou has run Singing For Serenity workshops around the world.



A community announcement costs $30.  To advertise on our weekly newsletter we can include a picture, add an attachment of your brochure and type a small paragraph of up to 100 words for $75.

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.  To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Southern Cross Academy of  Light is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

Scal Australia | Facebook



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– © Copyright 2009 – The South Cross Academy of Light