
AOL News – 10th July, 2013 – Dance a Little…

"Newsletter" buttonAcademy of Light Incorporated-Supporting Your Souls Journey

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to lighten up!

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FYI –  Trust the Process

qala-logo-small1Sri’ama Qala writes “Babaji Speaks About Learning to Live More on Light – —?How You Are Evolving and Changing”

If you seek the light within, it will seek you, embody you and ignite the love inside you… Babaji

Blessings from Babaji,

Many of you who receive the light through your chakras, are altering in your biochemistry. It is a natural process for your bodies to seek more light, lighter foods and higher vibrational waters to make the transition to becoming a body that is sustained and fed by a higher vibration of light.

As your consciousness raises and changes beloved, you are transitioning, just as many ancient ones have done before, on earth. The key to this transition is to learn to work with the light and your physical body and to accept a new way of being, when it serves you.

Some of you may find that food is not as easy to digest, and you may find some foods, too heavy for you. This is the first sign of the entry into this transition cycle I speak of. Others of you may find yourself at your fridge, feeling to feed yourself yet finding nothing in the fridge that really serves you.

These two experiences and the experience of eating less some days, and eating more than you normally would on other days, is all a part of the journey of your body trying to find balance in its biochemisty as it is learning to seek the light more deeply as its true sustenance.

This light I speak of, is held in some foods more deeply than in others. In accordance to how foods are grown, marketed and manufactured, different foods will, over your life journey, resonate with you more deeply.  Read More….


youtubeFaith is all you need. 

Watch this three minute YouTube and be amazed.  A 12 Year Old Girl Paints Heaven, Unbelievable!  Click here to view.


Can a Handful of Committed People Change the World?

James TwymanJames Twyman, The Peace Troubadour, has been invited to perform the peace concert in Syria and Egypt in the midst of a dramatic struggle for peace. He will lead a group of interfaith religious leaders to the troubled areas to pray peace prayers from various spiritual traditions. Will you join him in a prayer vigil when the concerts take place?


Join 100,000 people from around the world to learn an ancient, powerful prayer modality called “Quantum Prayer.” When James performs his concerts in Syria and Egypt the team will activate this energy and use it to heal the trauma in that region.  Why 100,000? It has been scientifically demonstrated that this is the approximate number it takes to create a groundswell of energy that would shift world events in this area of the world, especially when applying a modality as powerful as “Quantum Prayer.” We call this the “Group of 100,000.” Please join us! This is your chance to have a true, powerful impact on the future of humanity.

CLICK here to sign up for the vigil

What is “Quantum Prayer”?
Quantum Prayer is the simultaneous activation of a person’s mind, emotions and soul for the purpose of healing and lasting peace. When thousands of people join together, activating this pulse at the same moment, miracles occur in the world. Here are several examples:

1. In 1998 Saddam Hussein invited James Twyman to Iraq to perform The Peace Concert the same week the US and its allies prepared to initiate a new bombing campaign. There didn’t seem to be any chance of avoiding a terrible confrontation, and yet word went out to “Pray Peace” the same moment the concert took place. Over one million people participated. Three days later a peace accord was signed.

2. In 1999 tensions flared in Iraq once again and James, along with Gregg Braden and Doreen Virtue, initiated another world prayer vigil called The Great Experiment. Once again millions of people responded. They learned later that President Clinton had given the order to begin bombing the same time the vigil took place, and yet something very unexpected happened. After a good amount of confusion, the fighter jets were called back to their ships and no bombs fell that night.

3. In 2000 James invited millions of people to focus their prayers on the increasing violence between Israel and Palestine, and this time a scientific study was launched to measure the affect. During the vigil and for the next three days the entire region saw violent crime drop over 25%.

Could these all be coincidences?

If we had such powerful results with massive numbers of people praying at the same time, why are we inviting a group of only 100,000 to participate now? Quite simply, we believe “Quantum Prayer,” which can be learned in a couple of short sessions, produces the same energy that was generated by millions of people in the examples listed above. The technique is so simple, and yet so effective, that a smaller group can have a profound influence on something as tragic as the situation in Syria.

There is no financial investment or cost to be part of the Group of 10,000, only the willingness to participate. If you are reading this letter and feel a deep “Yes,” then you are called! The only question now is – Will You Answer?

This information has come from the July 9th Newsletter from James Twyman…



Liberation is the condition of one who has shed delusion.  Shed delusion, then grief will be destroyed and joy established.   Your mind is the villain, its other name is desire!  When you pull out all the yarn from a piece of cloth, there is no cloth.  So too pull out all the desires from the mind; the mind disappears and you attain freedom! Joy is when grief ends.

…..My Guru Daily sayings.joyful-1


In and Around the Academy

Academy of Light - Supporting Your Souls JourneyWith Rosemary Butterworth

As you can see by my smiling face – we all had a wonderful day at the Expo. It was lovely to be able to tell people about The Academy of Light, how it spreads the Light and helps to promote people’s work. The Academy has a niche market of products as you can see in the photo – most of which have been produced by the Academy’s Guest Speakers. Theirs is such inspirational work and the Academy feels privileged to be able to promote and sell it.

Terri had worked out a roster for the Expo, so many hands made light work. Excuse the pun, but it was such fun and definitely light work. There were some amazing products for sale at other tables. I am so glad I brought my money with me.

We are looking forward to participating at another Expo. We hope to see you all there.   ELLL-July2013-Rosemary-AOL



“I accept healing for my physical body.  My body is free of pain, I dance with grace.”

Kalina Raphael Rose.  rose-of-raphael 


HEALTH –Sleep Apnoea, Snoring and Night-time Fears


Dana writes: A mum at school spoke of a phobia she had with falling asleep. As a result, she was markedly sleep deprived and despairing. Some nights prior she had woken up choking. Since her husband was away for work, she feared she was going to be found dead the next morning by her children. Her doctor diagnosed a torn epiglottis obstructing the airways. The doctor advised that she was suffering from an infection of the epiglottis, which had become inflamed and then damaged because of severe snoring associated with sleep apnea. She was due to see a surgeon who (using grafting) would repair the epiglottis. She would then undergo treatment at a sleep apnea clinic. In desperation, she tried 1 drop of my Young Living Thyme oil on the underside of both big toes, including the crease where the toe joins the foot. She was overjoyed with the results. She reports having slept soundly all throughout the night, in a way she hadn’t for many years. Her husband also reported that she was no longer snoring. When I last spoke to her, the complex surgery and sleep apnea treatment had been put on hold. … FROM The Health Garden Bulletins


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr of  Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay.
Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.


 MONDAY, 15th July, 2013

“REMEMBERING & RECLAIMING YOUR ANCIENT SELF – A Sacred Journey into Ancient Worlds”

rebecca-brown-2Rebecca Brown

An experience not to be missed…

• On the night Rebecca will be guiding you in a journey to review and release a past life from the past sacred & high energy times

Also find out about …

• How vows and oaths made in past lives can hold you back in your life now.

• A brief Spiritual history of the Earth and some of the key energies, woundings, gifts and learnings from times such as Lemuria, Atlantis, Ancient Egypt, Avalon, the Christ Life and more.

As the Earth shifts beyond 2012, it is vital that we clear and balance our energy fields and reclaim the gifts from our Ancient Lives in order to move forward into embracing and living in the 5th Dimension.

Within our soul’s memory, we hold powerful vibrations, both of dormant gifts & talents and woundings from times on earth where we lived in higher frequencies such as Lemuria & Atlantis.

Rebecca has a successful healing & teaching centre in Mosman called SoultoSoul Healing & Teaching, where she helps people to heal at the level of the Soul to embrace their full soul’s potential in this human journey through one-on-one healings, workshops and meditations.

She works with people to alleviate their health problems, stress, depression, relationship issues as well as, support Light Workers, Empaths and sensitive souls.  Rebecca also loves working with children and has special ‘Kids Angels and Crystal workshops’.

Rebecca is a Soul specialist, advanced Lightworker and Multi-dimensional teacher working directly with the realms of light. She is a clear and open channel working directly with Spirit, Angels & Guides and often assisted by Archangels, Ascended Masters & Galactic beings. She specialises in healing the past including past lives and childhood issues to facilitate deep transformation.

Rebecca helps you to raise your vibration & connect with all aspects of Soul – within (your true self) and without (your angels etc.) so that you can love yourself and your life. She is here to help humanity move into the Fifth Dimension in 2012 and beyond. She particularly helps Lightworkers & is a catalyst for ascension.

Contacts: mobile – 0402 327 215


MONDAY, 22nd July, 2013


crystal-bowlsEvery month the Academy of Light will be offering you a sound evening in a different form.  Tonight’s Sound Evening features the extraordinary voices of Jessica Cowley-Martin , Michael Williamson and John Butterworth whose vocalisations will transport you to different realms.  Jessica will be bringing her white crystal bowls and whilst playing them they will be improvising exquisite toning and chanting.

Michael possesses the extraordinary ability to do Kagyrra chanting in the Tuvan tradition which is below the range of the human voice.  These primordial sounds can awaken profound memories and healings for those listening to them. 

In distinct contrast, Jessica possesses an unbelievably pure high vocal range reminiscent of angels singing.  

The night will conclude with a magnificent Gong Bath from John.



 Rekindle Your Spirit

Woman of Essence

 woman of essence

Come along to this light-hearted, transformational workshop to awaken, heal and connect with your beautiful presence – the essence of your soul.

Sunday 28 July 2013 – Waverton

You will experience meditation, visualisation, sacred sound, colour therapy and art expression, in a safe, fun-­?loving environment.

This is an opportunity to give to yourself, and discover new tools and techniques to manage yourself better on a daily basis.

This is a gathering of like-­?minded femmes.

Nicole Toohey  M 438 265 650  E  W  F  nicole-toohey

Click here to view workshop flyer.


Community Announcements

 The Expo at Crows Nest was a wonderful success so you might like to write the dates in your diary for the next one.Embrace Life logo

Come and visit us at one of our Mind, Body and Soul EXPOS

  • Thornleigh Community Centre, 3rd August 2013

  • Northern Beaches – Harbord Diggers, 13th October 2013


woman of essenceWisdom Circle – 14 July 2.30pm – 4.30pm

What a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon!

Our first monthly Wisdom Circle commences 14 July in Cherrybrook. This IS an authentic, organic, feminine, fun, deep sacred space we call the Temple of the Sacred Heart. It is NOT a therapy group. It is a sacred space where women come together and connect from within a deep presence. It is about remembering who you are. Exquisite! 

Register your interest now by emailing Nicole Toohey:


soul-colour-spraysSOUL COLOUR CIRCLE 

– 2nd August, 2013 –

The Colour Circle is held on the first Friday night of every month 7.30 pm to 9 pm

The Colour Circle is an evening to relax, unwind and connect with your soul’s needs through deep meditation, colour and sound.

GOLD is the colour for AUGUST

Gold in our Aura is a most brilliant vibration, it awakens the power and glory of the God Self, Higher Self or True Self and enables us to relate to others and to life from a higher perspective and deeper essence of our being.

Gold is a ‘call to action’, to expand our mind, raise our consciousness and live the dream of our Divine inheritance.

For bookings and further information email Narelle: or go to



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks.
An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account:
Academy of Light St George Bank
BSB:  112 879   Account No: 485610498

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.
To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Academy of  Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

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– © Copyright 2013 – Academy of Light Inc.  ABN: 26680515199