
AOL Bulletin – 8th July 2015 – Rewire Your Brain Through Happiness

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to think happy thoughts.

FYI – You Can Do It – It is Easy


Spirit Science ThoughtsHow you can empower yourself to live in the moment by controlling your thoughts and emotions, and guiding yourself the way that you want to be guided, rather than allowing modern society to tell you how to feel and what to think.
(This is a wonderful, short enlightening 12 minute video).

At the end there is a brief comment on the work of researcher Masaru Emoto, an amazing being who has been diving deep into what it means to understand Water.

Just as you create your own reality, we are also co-creating our realities together. We are a collective! As a community, a city, a country, and a species, we decide where we want to go and how we want to flow. It is up to us to decide what happens next in the epic tale that is the human race, but change has to start from an individual level.  Click here to view


This is what  happens to our brain when we experience happiness. 

by Dr. Marianne Pochelli ND – Guest Writer for Wake Up World. 

Marianna PochelliToo much research has been devoted to the science of stress, depression and the connection to disease and not enough to the biology of joy.  If a greater emphasis was placed on why we don’t go to doctors when we are feeling optimistic, happy and joyful, there would be less value and importance placed on the emotional states that coincidentally generate more money for those manufacturing medication.  There are many ways to experience pleasure in our brains and happiness might be the one emotion that prevents and reverses the cascade of cellular events that lead to disease.  To read more click here.

 LET GO:  A Short Guided Meditation by Lori Granger

Guided MeditationAs it is impossible to experience happiness while we hang onto our thoughts and stories; stories of past hurts, resentments and anger and frustration, we have chosen this 14 minutes meditation that will really help you not only to relax but to let go of these thoughts.  You will feel them drift away as you listen.    Make a decision to do this each day and see the difference in your energy, your body and mind.
To view click here.

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON At the Academy

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road.
When: Monday Nights 7.30pm – 9.30pm
Entry : $15.00, Concession $10.00 Finish time is 9.30pm


MONDAY, 13th July 2015 at 7.30pm

Find Your Path – Find Your Purpose

Kathleen Goodwin  KATHLEEN GOODWIN

 What is my Life’s Path? What is my purpose? Why am I here?

 These are the questions that we all ask ourselves.

 Know that your life’s plan is birthed in love and founded on wisdom.
In the planning room you set your Life’s Mission, decide on your Life’s Gifts to achieve your major and minor goals in this life.

As part of your Life’s plan to complete your life’s mission, other souls volunteer to participate in your life, assisting you on your life’s path.

Therefore you have other souls coming into your life playing out a plethora of roles, be it your family members, close friends, acquaintances, work colleagues, enemies. They have all volunteered to help you learn lessons to achieve the best outcomes for you this life.

In return you have agreed to help these same souls with their journey in varying degrees.

In the soul planning room, souls seal their devotion of their promises to each other by melding at the 3rd eye.

What is your Life’s Contract?
There are many experiences we have agreed to. Some examples are …

LOVE – such as loss, broken heart, betrayal, etc.
COMPASSION – for yourself, friends, family, animals, mother earth, etc.
COURAGE – to survive in very difficult situations.

These are but a few so come along to find out more about what you are here for. Kathleen will also help you to realise just how much you have achieved to this point in your life.

About Kathleen Goodwin

Kathleen is an extremely high-vibrational communicator who has many years of experience as an Intuitive Channel, Medium, Aura Seear and Tarot Reader. She also practices Energy Healing and is qualified in Pranic Healing, Crystal Healing, Transference Healing, Star Being Shakti Healing and Drisana Tibetan Spiritual Healing. Kathleen also provides one to one sessions and workshops.

Connect with Kathleen: W:

Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy

With Rosemary Butterworth

You know the old saying….’want to make God laugh just tell Him your plans‘.  Well, it was Monday morning and we were all set for Gerry Crow’s presentation when Gerry rang in to say she was too ill to come.  We sent Gerry some healing energy and then had to organise a talk for that night.  Another saying goes something like…don’t panic unless it is organised.  So I resorted to breathing.  Taking long deep breaths and then calling Warren and Peggy to come over so we could meditate and ask the Universe/Angels/Ascended Masters what would be for the highest good of everyone there, to present.

Being clairaudient, I put forward what I was told which was to present another ‘section’ of the Bridge across to the 5th dimension.  The Masters reminded me that we only move forward when we are present.  So Warren came up with  5 THINGS TO HELP YOU STAY PRESENT

1. NOTICE – Feelings and Thoughts

2. BREATHE – Consciously, long deep breaths into the abdomen.  For energy = short,hard exhals ‘HA’  at least 6 times.  Relax = long, soft exhale ‘AH’.

3. THOUGHTS – Stay present, focused with what you are doing.  Practice being present as a musician does with his instrument or an athelete, his sport.

4.  MEDITATION – Get into the zone.  Just keep your focus on one thing when the mind wanders, bring it back.

5.  VIBRATIONAL SUPPORT – Julia from Inner Tranquillity on the night used Soul Colour and sprayed people with Gold and also found what individual colour would support them during the week.  Blessed  Shungite crystals raised the water vibration incredibly.  Remembering that our bodies are approximately 70% water you can imagine how helpful it is to drink water that has been infused by a Shungite crystal.  If our vibration is high, our thoughts will be positive.  We have a list going for all those who would like a Shungite crystal – they range from $8 – $10 dollars.  If you would like one – send us an email.

And so the evening began.  I took them to the 5th dimension in a meditation and they shared their wonderful experiences.

It was very fascinating for me to walk amongst everyone.   Being clairvoyant I enjoy using my third eye and could offer help where an energy adjustment was needed such as opening the chakras and getting their energy to flow through their body.  I saw Judith’s third eye, just beginning to open.  It looked like a rose bud and I could tell that it was only a matter of time and it would be in full bloom.  When I told her what I could see, it was validation for what she had been told and what was taking place in her life.  Behind Jenny I saw a beautiful angel and was able to remind her to work daily with her angels and ask for their assistance, actually it was a prompting for everyone because we don’t have to ‘do anything’.  We are at a stage where actions can be performed ‘through’ us – not by us.  It is a very relaxing way to live.  This is being in the zone.  This is walking the bridge to the 5th dimension.

On the 20th July I will be back presenting another section of the Bridge to the 5th Dimension with the help of Warren, Peggy and Julia.

Next Monday Night, following Kathleen wonderful presentation on What Is Your Life’s Purpose, Why Are You Here, Julia will be there again to  find the Soul Colour Vibration that will help you.

A plug for my book which I assure you I didn’t write “How to Move Forward; Leave Your Thoughts Behind”. The credit must go to Sai Baba. The Masters have called it ‘a Manual for Being Present’.  To be read daily. On the 20th July it will be available at a special price of $15 or if you have a kindle you can purchase it from Amazon for $9.95.


Thought Of The Week

CofL Full MoonIt is not about getting from here to there, it is about getting from here to here. (A reminder – have you practised today being present) …Lama Surya Das. Words of Wisdom.

Affirmation – say daily, feel it, believe it…

Freedom“I use my life as a chance to learn.  I dance through life lightly and joyfully.”  ..Kalina Raphael Rose.


Hummingbird-CakeHere is a feel good cake – just to put a smile on your lips.  It is Teresa Cutter’s version of a Hummingbird Cake and it is healthy.


Here is my healthy version of a Humming bird cake that’s bursting with real fruit goodness !  It’s loaded with fresh chunks of sunny pineapple and banana and scented with orange, honey and vanilla bean, capturing the magical essence of a tropical paradise by the ocean.  It’s vitally important you use ripe banana and sweet, fresh pineapples when making this cake to achieve the best results and produce a glorious cake. Take your time and make the cake the night before you need to serve it, as this will give the cake time to settle and cool properly in the refrigerator. Make the frosting on the day of serving and be generous when spreading over the cake. For those who prefer a dairy free frosting, you can use fresh whipped coconut cream or a lush coconut yoghurt. 

Click here for the recipe



The Lyme Gala Ball

Lyme Gala Ball

 Saturday, 11th July

 Join us at The Lyme Gala Ball on July 11, Ivy Ballroom George St Sydney and  support research into Australia’s Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases at the University of Sydney. Help us to unravel the cause of this debilitating illness.

Tickets $220 and available at:

Cocktails start at 6-30pm View EVENT FLYER here.

Tickets include three course meal plus beer and wine
Let the Magicians of ‘SODA’ (Society of Dexterous Arts) Bamboozle you by their Trickery
Inspire that Fire Within with the Inspirational ‘Michael Crossland’ as Master of Ceremonies
Be Entertained by the World Renowned Artist and Entertainer of The Year ‘Brad Blaze’
Dance to the Sounds of ’Lost in Transit’

Master Sha in Sydney

Master & Dr Sha Sydney tour

Join Master Sha, one of the most powerful healers of our time, for very rare Tao Healing Miracles Evenings. They are FREE!

During this powerful Tao Miracle Healing evening Master Sha and his Worldwide Representatives, Master Cynthia, Master Trevor and Master Robyn will create a Tao Field for profound healing and rejuvenation.

You will receive many sacred Tao healing blessings as well as learn how to heal and transform your

  • Spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies,
  • Relationships
  • Finances & business
  • Any other aspect of your life

Tao is the Source. In Master Sha’s teachings Tao teaching, everyone and everything is made of jing qi shen. Jing means matter. Qi means energy. Shen includes soul, heart, and mind. Modern medicine focuses on matter.

Traditional Chinese medicine and many other healing modalities focus on energy. Tao healing focuses on shen, including the soul, heart, and mind. To heal shen is to remove soul, heart, and mind blockages.

WHERE ON 7TH JULY – SMC Conference and Function Centre
66 Goulburn St, Sydney, NSW 2000

WHERE ON 16TH JULY – Rydges North Sydney
54 McLaren Street, North Sydney

To Register
Or Call 0414522419

I consider Dr. Sha’s healing path to be a universal spiritual practice; a journey into genuine transformation. His professional integrity and compassionate heart are at the root of his being a servant of humankind and my heartfelt prayer for his readers is that they accept his invitation to awaken the power within their souls and realize the natural beauty of their existence.
Michael Bernard Beckwith.. Author of Life Visioning and Spiritual Liberation.

Community Announcements


With Julia Smith, Inner Tranquillity & Peace
Book In:
* Have you been wanting to experience the blissful magic of a Sound Session?
* Are you overwhelmed by the challenges you are working through at the moment?
* Do you want to speed up releasing the emotions that are waiting to be released?
PHONE NOW 0404 619 148
This is the time to come in as the July Super Specials are on.
~ 1.25hr usually $130 NOW $99
~ 30mins usually $70 NOW $55
Inner Peace & Tranquillty Clinic  Relax, Release, Receive
Come and lay on the BodhiBed Sound Massage Table and receive a direct hit of sound frequency music into every cell of your body, so your body sings while being re-harmonised, and receive the deepest most relaxing massage you’ve experienced. The music you listen to takes your mind effortlessly to the alpha state of meditation, and during this time of deep rest Julia will clean out your energy field and chakras using Colour Energy Therapy, Essential Oils and she channels energy, which is magnified through the crystal wands she uses, working with your guides and other celestial beings of Light. Your energy is aligned to your goal and Julia will intuit the most appropriate sound frequency for you. Plus you receive Aura/Chakra photos before and after your session.
New Sound Frequencies just in: Prostate; Dystonia; Spleen; Cannabodiol (Cannabis)
Click here to see the range of sound frequencies available.
Click here to see more about what happens in an appointment.
Self-Nurturing is an act of Self Love

‘DREAM THE TAROT’, coming soon

Gerry Crow With Gerry Crow

Topics Discussed:


  • The Journey of the Major Arcana
  • The Wisdom of these 22 Archetypes
  • How the course can strengthen your Psychic Ability
  • And deepen your Spiritual Connections

Past student testimonial:

Dreaming the tarot was by far the most memorable course I have ever had the privilege of experiencing. This course worked on levels that far surpassed any form of expectation. To Dream the Tarot was like meeting each of the Major Arcana in person and finding where they sat within me –it awakened the memory of pure soul connection. I was able to feel, see and breathe the Tarot. With deep gratitude’ Crystal Isaac

Gerry does one-to-one sessions.

For an appointment contact Gerry direct on: Ph: 0449 865 473


A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


Friend the Academy of Light on Facebook!

Our Facebook address is:

Academy of Light.facebook


meetupTHE ACADEMY OF LIGHT (AOL) now has a group on Meetup
so you can RSVP if you will be attending our weekly meetings, which helps us with the seating, and you can see who else will be attending/did attend, if you want to stay in touch.


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