
AOL Bulletin – 24th June 2015 – Human Kindness

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to see the goodness in everything

FYI – ACT and Make the Difference

The True Human Nature — Kindness

The True Human Nature — KindnessThis mix of YouTube footage is truly beautiful and our warning here is get the tissues out!  It shows our human race at it’s best showing kindness – without looking for reward but receiving it in spades – to animals in all forms.  Click here to view.

The Teacher Who’s Changing A Community

An inspiration to everyone. 

Green Bronx MachineThe Bronx area in New York houses thousands of people.  There are no supermarkets.  The corner store is where they purchase their food and as you can imagine it is generally highly processed.  A life-long Bronx resident and educator, Stephen Ritz has come up with a unique way to engage his students and change their surroundings. This has created a ripple effect out to the greater community. 

Green Bronx Machine help to create and grow these environments for the community and rely on donations to continue and grow.  Thanks to Upworthy for their great work and bringing this good cause forward.  Click here to view and be inspired.


Pleidian DelegateTRUTH ~ You do not attempt to manifest ~ YOU ARE MANIFESTING IN ALL MOMENTS.

 The person in the stressful Job is in the stressful Job because THEY ARE BEING STRESSED. Any other so-called job will be the same.

WHEN the same person, masters their thoughts, words and emotions, and REALIZES once and for all, they are creating constantly through every thought, word and emotion, and they change this to HARMONY ~ then all in the so-called outer world surroundings HAVE TO MATCH how they are Being within themselves.

Sorry folks but there is NO OUTER ~ you are creating your Reality from within YOU.  Want to change your life….read more from Pleiadian Delegate.

We really agree with how this article has been expressed and we believe that Rosemary Butterworth’s book How to Move Forward, Leave Your Thoughts Behind has it all in there.  Read, practise, listen and notice your thoughts, this book will show you how – it’s the key!  $19.95.  Click to the Academy Shop to see more.

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON At the Academy

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road.
When: Monday Nights 7.30pm – 9.30pm
Entry : $15.00, Concession $10.00 Finish time is 9.30pm


MONDAY, 29th June 2015 at 7.30pm


Master Robyn RiceMASTER ROBYN

Sharing the Teaching of Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha

 Master Robyn will delight you as she leads you into chants that will fill you heart with love.  Enjoy a evening of bliss and being happy as your body is brought back into balance and harmony. 

Come along to find out from Master Robyn Rice more about Dr and Master Sha and how he can serve you. Master Sha is guided by the Divine and Tao and shares his profound wisdom freely with all those he meets…

This is also an opportunity to hear about the wonderful work Master Sha has done so far and how he can bless your life prior to his visit to Sydney in July. Master Sha has two interactive evenings which will help you connect more deeply with your heart and soul to follow your soul’s purpose. on the 7th and 16th July. These evenings are FREE! (See below for more details)

From a very young age that Master Sha found he had a very special task on Mother Earth. He began studying under a Master at the age of 6 and has Mastered many healing modalities and ancient arts. His total life Mission is to transform the soul, heart, mind and body of humanity and all souls and to enlighten them further to create a ‘Love, Peace and Harmony Universal family’.

Dr and Master Zhi Gang Sha travels the World 10 months of the year sharing soul secrets, wisdom, knowledge and practical techniques to help others become healthier and happier.

Master Robyn’s example and experiences with Master Sha will leave your soul feeling uplifted and your heart enlightened

On this night you will receive a copy of his books.

Contact: Email: Phone: 0455.377 455
Website: Facebook:

MONDAY, 6th July 2015 at 7.30pm



Don’t miss out on this night …. Gerry Crow is an internationally respected psychic, clairvoyant, medium, spiritual teacher and medicine woman, with many years of professional experience and tonight she will share with us the Spiritual Path within the Oracle of the Tarot and demonstrate how to practise divination, channelling and healing by utilising this ancient wisdom.

She will share how the use of the Tarot can increase your psychic ability and spiritual connections.


Give FREE one card READING to each person on the night. Don’t miss out on this.

Gerry utilises her direct Spirit Channel through the Tarot and will give a short overview about her unique course ‘DREAM THE TAROT’ that will be taught in September/October, dates yet to be confirmed.  This course is brilliantly designed for you to completely connect with the Spiritual and Archetype wisdom of the Tarot Cards experiencing. It works on levels that far surpassed any form of expectation.

Contact Gerry:  Ph: 0449 865 473   E:   W:

Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy

With Rosemary Butterworth

I was pondering just how wonderful human beings can be.  We can write beautiful music, paint exquiste paintings, carve magnificent pieces of sculture, building magnificent buildings, and even transplant human hearts.  There is no end to our creative expressions and that is what is amazing and fills us with awe. 

It was no more amazing to hear Marilyn Whall speak to the the departed on Monday Night as she worked as a Medium bringing through loved ones of those in the room.  When she was describing the friend or family member who had crossed over it was very interesting to see that she described how she felt such as “I cannot feel the right side of my body so I assume that your mother had a stroke before she crossed over” and so on and the person acknowledged that she had.  If you ever doubted that there was life after death, this was such an assurance. 

Many thanks to Marilyn for the incredible experience. 

On this point, of how wonderful human beings can be, make sure you watch the video in FYI.  You will need a whole box of tissues – I did.

To put a smile back on your face come along and be with us next Monday Night as Master Robyn chants and tells us about Dr. and Master Sha’s visit to Australia.  I find joy bubbling up inside me and this feeliing lasts for days after I hear her speak, so do come along and treat yourself to a ‘happy hour’, you will be so glad you did.

The last couple of weeks we have met in the Art Gallery itself as it has been available.  We are all enjoying the energy there!  This week we have this beautiful room again, so you will be warm and toasty. 

Thought Of The Week

I love life and life loves me.

Flower - Rose Bud by Terri  Rosemary Butterworth

Affirmation – say daily, feel it, believe it…

“I AM creative and part of all that is good in the world.”

Rosemary Butterworth - Michael's Messenger  Rosemary Butterworth

Health – Internal House Cleaning: 10 Ways To Cleanse Your Body.

Clean your digestive tract, the absorption and waste disposal system of the body. Years of bad eating and environmental factors may have allowed mucus, plaque, and “bio-gunk” to build up in the digestive tract and these accumulations can be encouraged to leave the body. The digestive system begins at the mouth and ends at the anus. It functions to break down what goes into the mouth, turning it into usable energy, and then quickly getting rid of the rest. The body normally excretes waste in 18 to 24 hours, after which, harmful toxins can form. Since we eat two to three times a day, we should be moving our bowels two to three times a day. Anyone who has less than one bowel movement per day is constipated

(For constipation we recommend NutriKane – it is wonderful for so many problems particularly Diabetes).

Make sure not to combine melons with any other foods. Eat them alone 20 minutes before or one hour after any other foods are consumed.  Read more



GFM streetwise spiritual FB banner

Streetwise Spiritual Healing: Beyond the Love and Light
with Brendan D. Murphy, Alistair Larmour and Russell Byron

THIS SUNDAY – June 27th 5pm – 10.30pm

The key to it all is self-empowerment.
What our souls thirst for is not “Ascension,” but “IN-scension”: accessing of our core self within!
What we need is a true spiritual remedy for what ails us.
GFM presents three leading-edge speakers with the tools and experience for us to take things to the next level.

Find out more about the event and profiles on Brendon, Alistair and Russell at Global Freedom Movement:
Venue: Ambush Gallery Sydney
Cost: $47
View Flyer Here

 The Lyme Gala Ball

Lyme Gala Ball

Saturday, 11th July

Join us at The Lyme Gala Ball on July 11, Ivy Ballroom George St Sydney and support research into Australia’s Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases at the University of Sydney.  Help us to unravel the cause of this debilitating illness.

Tickets $220 and available at:

Cocktails start at 6-30pm  View EVENT FLYER here.

Tickets include three course meal plus beer and wine
Let the Magicians of ‘SODA’ (Society of Dexterous Arts) Bamboozle you by their Trickery
Inspire that Fire Within with the Inspirational ‘Michael Crossland’ as Master of Ceremonies
Be Entertained by the World Renowned Artist and Entertainer of The Year ‘Brad Blaze’
Dance to the Sounds of ’Lost in Transit’

Master Sha in Sydney

Master & Dr Sha Sydney tour

Join Master Sha, one of the most powerful healers of our time, for very rare Tao Healing Miracles Evenings. They are FREE!

During this powerful Tao Miracle Healing evening Master Sha and his Worldwide Representatives, Master Cynthia, Master Trevor and Master Robyn will create a Tao Field for profound healing and rejuvenation.

You will receive many sacred Tao healing blessings as well as learn how to heal and transform your

  • Spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies,
  • Relationships
  • Finances & business
  • Any other aspect of your life

Tao is the Source. In Master Sha’s teachings Tao teaching, everyone and everything is made of jing qi shen. Jing means matter. Qi means energy. Shen includes soul, heart, and mind. Modern medicine focuses on matter.

Traditional Chinese medicine and many other healing modalities focus on energy. Tao healing focuses on shen, including the soul, heart, and mind. To heal shen is to remove soul, heart, and mind blockages.

WHERE ON 7TH JULY – SMC Conference and Function Centre
66 Goulburn St,Sydney ,NSW 2000 Australia

WHERE ON 16TH JULY – Rydges North Sydney
54 Mc McLaren Street, Sydney

To Register
Or Call 0414522419

I consider Dr. Sha’s healing path to be a universal spiritual practice; a journey into genuine transformation. His professional integrity and compassionate heart are at the root of his being a servant of humankind and my heartfelt prayer for his readers is that they accept his invitation to awaken the power within their souls and realize the natural beauty of their existence.
Michael Bernard Beckwith.. Author of Life Visioning and Spiritual Liberation.

Community Announcements

 ‘DREAM THE TAROT’, coming soon

Gerry Crow With Gerry Crow

Topics Discussed:

  • The Journey of the Major Arcana
  • The Wisdom of these 22 Archetypes
  • How the course can strengthen your Psychic Ability
  • And deepen your Spiritual Connections

Past student testimonial:

Dreaming the tarot was by far the most memorable course I have ever had the privilege of experiencing. This course worked on levels that far surpassed any form of expectation. To Dream the Tarot was like meeting each of the Major Arcana in person and finding where they sat within me –it awakened the memory of pure soul connection. I was able to feel, see and breathe the Tarot. With deep gratitude’ Crystal Isaac

Gerry does one-to-one sessions.

For an appointment contact Gerry direct on: Ph: 0449 865 473

Short Term Accommodation Wanted


Co-Creation have a couple of people coming interstate for their Intuitive Anatomy class and are looking for local accommodation (Crows Nest, St Leonards etc) for 3 weeks. Does anyone in the Academy of Light community have a room they would like to rent for 3 weeks in August – starting from the 2nd or 3rd August to 21st August?

Please contact Theresa Fahd, Co-Creation ThetaHealing on (612) 8065 1153,


Pink Flower by TerriWe have begun a new section of our Newsletter. We get so many wonderful phone calls and emails telling us of the experiences that people have had during the week that we feel they need to be shared. By sharing we grow together.

Susan from Wingham N.S.W. shared with us some exciting news.  Marina Abramovic is coming to Sydney 24th June to July 5 and will be at Pier 2/3 Walsh Bay.  Who is Marina Abramovic?  She is changing the world by counting grains of rice.  Is she for real?  Yes, do have a look at her website or the article written about her in the Sydney Morning Herald on Monday 22nd June.  This is an amazing person.

Thank you Susan for being our eyes and ears and inspiring us to look further.

From Joanna, Sydney – The week ended up very busy with rain, broken dishwasher, little one’s bday and older one getting sick… And so is life. And yet, we are very lucky and fortunate to have such a safe and good life here. So the newsletter last week was spot on and very supportive of practicing being in a present moment.

As Joanna was unable to attend the night she writes – With the Soul Retrieval, I wanted to suggest to call forward the souls of Aboriginal people who passed away and are ready to move to the Light. This is because I found out recently when I started to investigate energies affecting my house, that there are present in the area where I live in Lane Cove but I suspect in the North Shore or in Sydney in general, and effect living people. So this would help the past and present people living in our community. Perhaps it has happened, and the one’s that were ready transitioned to the Light. I tried to set this intention and invite them to participate in the ceremony if they chose to but it was at the end of long day for me and right after puting children to sleep so I probably wasn’t totally disconnected from the day. Well, I thought it is worth trying and any support of the ceremony and of the remaining would be better than not doing anything that night.

Thank you so much Joanna for writing in and sharing your thoughts.


A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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Our Facebook address is:

Academy of Light.facebook


meetupTHE ACADEMY OF LIGHT (AOL) now has a group on Meetup
so you can RSVP if you will be attending our weekly meetings, which helps us with the seating, and you can see who else will be attending/did attend, if you want to stay in touch.


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