
AOL Bulletin : 18th September 2019 – Healings and Activations

Invitation : If you have a YouTube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on,au

New ways to heal with the new consciouness with Doris Wittmann.

We had a very interesting night with Doris who is a Creative Visionary & Spirit Channel. As long as she can remember she has a strong connection to Spirit.

Doris’s family immigrated to Australia when she was only 2. She had a difficult childhood and felt very isolated even in her family. Her intuitive development was necessary to assess the often violent behaviour of her father, who was very controlling. After her father passed away and she had her own children, she had to take responsibility for the first time in her life. She decided to study and to develop her intuitive side and learned that the different voices in her head had names and where different beings.

In 2006 a friend asked her if she knew anyone that could do Aura drawings. To her own surprise she heard herself say that she could do it. What followed was that 12 Ascended Master and Archangels came to her with a request to draw them without the previously known faces or angle wings, just their energy. Each drawing had an individual message for humanity. The general message that came was that life is not as hard as we make it out to be. Life is simple and full of joy and should be enjoyable.

During her study of Energetic Healing Doris was learning how to make essences. She tried it the hard way with different ways to activate the water. St Germaine told that the only thing she needed to do was create a drawing and place it on the bottle. Easy! The energy of the drawing would then activate the water. He said she had the power to change the world and her life. We all have the power to change our world. We are the creators of our reality.

She received a message that after the Aura drawings, that there was more to come and that she should do Life Energy Drawings. They encouraged her to start doing drawings with dots. “Open up and allow life to flow through you, that is our natural state”. When people don’t create the things they want, it’s often because they use past knowledge and experiences to create something new. If we limit ourselves to what we know we can never get anything new. Instead if you use the words: “I wonder” this opens up a space for wonderful things to occur. “I wonder” adds a sense of adventure and curiosity.

Doris concluded the evening with an activation and the demonstration of different hand mudra’s that she has channelled. After her talk many of us looked at her beautiful drawings, Energy Activation CDs and her sprays.

Ph 0418 580 922

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON AT AOL On Monday Nights

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road. When: 2nd and 4th Monday Night every month 7.30pm – 9.30pm

Monday 23rd September 2019
Sacred Sound Event with Paulien Gort and Matthew James

Paulien Gort & Matthew Jame

Join us for this relaxing and rejuvenating Sacred Sound Event with Paulien Gort and Matthew James. Be immersed by the sounds of beautiful healing instruments like Tibetan and Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls, Gongs, Monochord, Shaman Drum and Light Language, powerful ancient healing songs. Matthew will bring his Didgeridoo, Native American Flute, Handpan and Tongue Drum to add into the mix. 
Together we will create a beautiful soundscape making you float away into different realms and facilitating healing on every level. The cells of your body will be saturated with healing frequencies and will activate the innate healing intelligence of your body helping you into a state of peace and well-being. 
You will feel cleansed, relaxed and rejuvenated at the end of the night.  

Bring a rug/blanket and pillow to lie down or sit as you allow your body to be immersed in these wonderful healing sounds.

Paulien Gort is a Sound Healer who offers one-on-one Sound Healing sessions and who offers regular Sacred Toning Sound Baths in North Narrabeen and Sydney area.

Matthew James is an Intuitive Sound Healer who collaborates with Meditation and Yoga teachers and Healers using Sound Harmonic Frequencies to communicate a Universal Language of Love. 

*Tickets at the door: $20, concession: $10
Tickets via Eventbrite: $15 plus booking fees (include light refreshments), concession: $10.

Monday 14th October 2019
Energy Update and Activation with Nancy Valentine-Smith

Nancy Valentine Smith is a Medicine Woman, a Shaman, an Alchemist, a Healer and Sacred Technician. She comes from a lineage of Medicine men and women who were also Seers.
She has been working intensively in Australia and Internationally – in particular, the UK and France.
Nancy is now sharing and facilitating the Ancient Teachings that have been handed down to her from her Indigenous lineage and Spiritual Clan.  
Some of these Ancient secret teachings have never been shared in these modern times.  
As a child Nancy was taught to go into the Ancient Records to read the books of knowledge of the Stars and of the Earth until she was ready to access the memory within her.  One of her purposes is to assist others to access their own knowledge and wisdom. Your life without a doubt will change as you open to the Great Work.

On October the 14th, Nancy will be sharing what is happening energetically on the planet, within and on Mother Earth and the Stars. She will show you techniques and take you through a powerful Activation, aligning you to the Earth and the Stars, simultaneously. It will be a night of Healing and sharing.

Join Nancy as she facilitates this powerful evening.

*Tickets at the door: $20, Concession:$10
Tickets via Eventbrite:$17.50 plus booking fees, Concession $10 (includes light refresments)

FYI – Bal-A-Vis-X

Enhanced learning using balls with Balance, Auditory, Vision and exercise. It helps improve students’ focus. Through the rhythmic bouncing of balls, students improve their focus. This leads to better learning, reading and grades. Originated by Bill Hubert in Kansas and now used all over the U.S. and spreading through Europe and beyond.

Click here to watch. Maybe its worth teaching our kids this. Less than 3 mins

One Woman Feeding a Village

Meet the granny Kamalathan, who cooks breakfast for her community in Coimbatore, India. She sells a popular indian breakfast dish (idli) for just 1 ruppee per idli. Normally the price is 6 ruppees. She does it for the love of it and charges only to cover her costs. Watch this inspiring lady at work. Less than 3 mins.
PS after this video went viral, several companies and community members have come forward to upgrade Kamalathan’s kitchen and equipment, so that she can continue to provide her wonderful service, with a little bit more ease and comfort.

Thought of the Week

Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear your path.

Affirmations – say it daily and slowly, feel it, believe it

I release all feelings of negativity and guilt

Community Announcements

Selenite Swords of Light: Lightworker Training with Tom Ledder

Selenite Swords of Light are some of the highest vibrational energy tools available today, handcrafted from pure selenite crystal.
They carry the energy vibration of Archangel Michael, and help people open up to the 5th dimensional light of the divine.
Tom Ledder, creator of the Selenite Swords, is giving a series of workshops where you have the opportunity to learn ancient healing techniques from Lemuria, Atlantis and Egypt, and how to use the swords to work with high frequencies of light for clearing, healing, activation and transformation.
Come and experience the power and magic of the swords for yourself and bring more love and grace into your life!

11th-12th October:  North Sydney    

18th-20ththOctober:  Mount White  (in a beautiful location amongst acres of bushland, overlooking the Hawkesbury River)

For information and bookings see the Australian Workshop Tour details on  
Please click here for flyer.

Advertising Costs for Our Newsletter

A community announcement costs $40 for 2 newsletters. An advert costs $75 for 2 newsletters and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Please note : Our newsletter is distributed fortnightly. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light Inc. at St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email

Placement of Ads in this newsletter is not an endorsement or recommendation, and readers should satisfy themselves that the products and services advertised suit their purpose.

The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.