
AOL Bulletin – 18th November, 2015 – Compassion is The Answer

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to find compassion.

FYI – The Task Ahead

Peace is, the manifestation of Human Compassion…..Dalai Lama.

Dalai LamaWhen 9/11 happened it was difficult to think that there could have been a gift in this dreadful disaster but in reality there was.  The gift was the outpouring of love.  This wonderful outpouring of love that came from around the world was actually scientifically measured.

Now we are faced with more atrocities that have shocked us to the core.  But is there a gift again in these disasters.  They can either separate the world or unite it in compassion.  If we follow and understand what the Dalai Lama is saying and we connect to inner peace, then compassion can rise in our hearts and unity will follow. Our hearts expand with the possibilities!

Listen to what the Dalai Lama says (2 minutes)….click here.

Technique Becoming Liquid Light

Ken PageThis is a unique tool that Ken is showing us, to help busy people have more time as well as being in a more neutral space to get jobs done. You may remember several years ago that Ken Page was hosted by The Academy of Light.  He was an excellent presenter and we learnt many things.  Why not go to his website and discover some of his other tools.  ……Click here to view video under 3 minutes.

Frozen Bubbles In Calgary

Frozen Bubbles In CalgaryHere is a very short video that goes beautifully with Ken Pages’ video on Becoming Liquid Light particularly if you have difficulty in visualising.  This video which goes for only just over one minute will help you and also as you watch it freeze you will see all the small crystals come together to form one beautiful one.  Unity consciousness in action.  To view click here.

Invitation : If you have a U-Tube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON At the Academy

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road. When: Monday Nights 7.30pm – 9.30pm Entry : $15.00, Concession $10.00 Finish time is 9.30pm


MONDAY, 23rd November 2015 at 7.30pm


Warren MitchellWarren Mitchell

Join us for a night of interactive fun as we share exercises to integrate the “woo woo” with the “know how”.

Warren will share how to integrate the tools he has gathered during his own journey of personal development and spiritual exploration.

Whether personal or business, there are methods we can use to gain

  • Insight into our situation, what
  • Actions we can take to allow
  • Healing to occur and enable us to
  • Achieve the changes we desire.

It will help if you can bring a pendulum (eg. a ring on a string) and a pen and paper.

Warren has been studying various healing modalities for the past 10 years including the works of “The Journey”- Brandon Bays, “2012 and Beyond” – Ruth Magan , “Theta Healing” – Vianna Stibal, “The Reconnection”- Eric Pearle, “Tesla Metamorphosis” – Anya Petrovic, Robert Kirby , “Authentic Education” – Ben Harvey, “Pure Love” – Simon Garrett and “How to Move Forward” by Rosemary Butterworth.

Warren’s contacts: M: 0412.264 594 E:

MONDAY, 30th November 2015 at 7.30pm

Awakening Through the Heart

Nancy Valentine Smith 2Nancy Valentine Smith

Nancy Valentine Smith is a facilitator who spent her childhood learning in the different Spiritual realms. She was able to access the Spiritual World easily and was taught by many different beings such as Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, the Arcturians, the Sirian Council, the Council of Elders, the Elemental & Inner Earth Keepers, and many more. Able to access the chambers and halls of the Akashic Records, Nancy will retrieve books and manuscripts when appropriate, to assist many people on their Journey of Divine Self Realisation. Working with Quantum Healing and multi-dimensional realities, Nancy is an Oracle, using Shamanic and Alchemical techniques.

Nancy has just returned from a Sacred Journey through Brittany in France, that was co-created with Mary Magdalene. During this journey, Nancy Valentine Smith is a facilitator who spent her childhood learning in the different Spiritual realms. She was able to access the Spiritual World easily and was taught by many different beings such as Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, the Arcturians, the Sirian Council, the Council of Elders, the Elemental & Inner Earth Keepers, and many more. Able to access the chambers and halls of the Akashic Records, Nancy will retrieve books and manuscripts when appropriate, to assist many people on their Journey of Divine Self Realisation. Working with Quantum Healing and multi-dimensional realities, Nancy is an Oracle, using Shamanic and Alchemical techniques.

Nancy has just returned from a Sacred Journey through Brittany in France, that was co-created with Mary Magdalene. During this journey, Nancy began to receive new information from Mary Magdalene and her Aspects, on many subjects such as Holographic realities and how we can use them in our lives. These documents are known as the © Beloved Teachings.

On Monday 30th November 2015, Nancy will be sharing with you;
1. What the © Beloved Teachings are about.
2. Wisdom of the Nature of reality at this time, for individuals and the collective.
3. Ways to connect and have a tangible experience with your Future Self and Selves, using Quantum healing techniques.
4. How we can work and co-create with the quickening energies and high vibrations coming through at this time.
5. How we can shift, align and expand our energy fields to experience Heaven on Earth, and ourselves as a Conscious Creator.

Over the years, Nancy has continuously received upgrades from the many levels of the Spiritual Realms, of what she received in her learnings as a child. Nancy currently facilitates © Awakening Through The Heart Workshops, Sacred Song Energetic Healings, readings through phone and Skype, and Meditation/Activation classes. If you would like to receive Nancy’s monthly Energy Forecast and Activation, subscribe at or if you would like to book a session with Nancy, please email your details and query to:

“I’m excited and look forward to meeting you in a Gathering of Light at the Academy, on the 30th November, at 7.30pm” – Nancy.

Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy

With Rosemary Butterworth

At the end of another exceptional Monday night, I asked the people as they left how did they enjoy the evening.  (I really hope that soon we will be able to video the evening and put them onto our website each week for the whole world to watch).  These are the comments from them.  “Very enjoyable and extremely valuable knowledge.”  “Very important information”.  “Very funny and what a wonderful sense of humour that Marita Schlink has”.

I really didn’t know what to expect when she began.  It turned out that she has so much knowledge, either from books such as The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, Autobiography of a Yogi or her guides plus the people that have crossed over.  Her major guide is St. Germaine who told her that she was to do nothing but be present and let the knowledge come through her that would either help people cross over or to assist the family and friends of the departed.  I, myself, feel that the knowledge she has is meant for the living now.

For instance. when she opened the circle to invite questions, one was from a lady who wanted to help friends who were suffering because they didn’t want a member of their family to die.  Her reply to the woman was “I feel that you want to fix your friends.  I recommend you sit very quietly and be as present as you can.  Then if something comes to mind to say, let it be said. First you must let go your desire to fix the situation.”  We all heeded these words as they applied to most of us.   Wise words indeed.

I would love to have Marita back next year.

The affirmation that we shared last week  – Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu – kept us in a space of expansion which we were so grateful for following the events that unfolded in the last seven days.  We kept going back and playing the YouTube everytime our energy needed renewing.  The English translation is May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.” What a find!  (here is the YouTube link again –

Thought Of The Week

World Peace must develop from Inner Peace.
Peace is not just mere absence  of violence.
Peace is, the manifestation of Human Compassion. 

dalai-lama1Dalai Lama

Affirmation – say daily, feel it, believe it…

“I Connect to Peace and Radiate Compassion.”

Pink Rose by TerriTeresa Hills


Often the people I see in my healing room aren’t connected to their lower chakras.  When I ask them to go up and connect to the Great Central Sun and to bring the Light down through their body, their energy stops at the waist.  This of course, can lead to various health problems, particularly with joints.  Most people spend their day thinking and this keeps their energy in their heads or upper chakras.

Sunflower by JBSo every day, go out in the sunlight for a few minutes, feel your feet on the ground and bring down the Light of the Great Central Sun, take it in through the head and down the spine, down the legs and out the feet.  Using your mind, take it into the earth, over rocks, deeper and deeper until you get the feeling that you have taken it to the centre of the Earth.  (As well as being a gift to yourself it is a gift to Mother Earth as it brings healing to her.)

You are now connected to Heaven and Earth and have a strong core and are balanced.  Your whole body is receiving energy and healing Light.

 …Rosemary Butterworth, author of How to Move Forward, Leave Your Thoughts Behind available on this website or as an e-book through



Leigh White

with Leigh White

Do you want increased Clarity AND to know your Life Purpose?

Begin to explore Who You Really Are with Leigh.

2.30 – 3.30 Sunday, November 29. 2015
Transform Yoga, 52 Balgowlah Road, Balgowlah
Just $25 – the first 3 guests to sign up will receive a FREE 15 minute indiviual session!

Email Bookings Essential:

Click here to view Leigh’s Clarity Workshop flyer.

Community Announcement

Holistic Coaching

Never underestimate your potential for happiness.
You deserve the best life possible and you are the architect of this change.
Leigh White

three-stones-and-leafHolistic Coaching is about uncovering the truth of who you are and connecting with your authentic self.

Leigh White, Holistic Coach available for personal or corporate coaching.
Connect with Leigh on M: 0431 932 122 or E: or W:

Embrace Life, Live Life

ELLL - nth beaches - Nov 15

Venue: International College of Management, 151 Darley Road, Manly

Need directions, click here

Day/Date: Sunday, 29th November 2015
Time: 10.30am to 5.30pm

Find out more at Embrace Life, Live Life – Northern Beaches.


A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


Friend the Academy of Light on Facebook!

Our Facebook address is:

Academy of Light.facebook


meetupTHE ACADEMY OF LIGHT (AOL) now has a group on Meetup so you can RSVP if you will be attending our weekly meetings, which helps us with the seating, and you can see who else will be attending/did attend, if you want to stay in touch.


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