
AOL Bulletin – 17th June 2015 – Silence is the Key

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to take time to upgrade.

FYI – Find Happiness through Silence

The Power of Going Nowhere:  Want to be Happy, Slow Down.

Pico IyerPico Iyer is a travel writer.  He started travelling internationally to go to boarding school at a very early age and the more he travelled the more he loved it eventually merging his love for travel with a need to support himself ( and his family) financially.  Most of us would be happy there.  Passion and income combined, perfect!  As time passed, he became aware that the place that he would most like to go was –  Nowhere!  Iyer takes us on his journey to become aware of what comes with taking time for stillness. In our world of constant movement and distraction, he says it is essential to find steps to take back a few minutes out of every day, or a few days out of every season so that we can travel within to find the stillness and silence that is available to all of us.   Click here to view the TEDTalk  (just over 15mins)

The Power of Silence

The Power of SilenceAlthough there is music and therefore no silence, it will touch your heart and we suggest that while watching this beautiful short video that you practice conscious breathing and fill your body with the magic of the rainbow.  Energise your chakra system with the colourful images. Watch any thoughts that come in and see them fly away in the breeze.  Click here to watch and be transformed in less than 4 minutes!

“A minute of silence” by Artist Marina Abramovic

Ulay - A minute of silence by Artist Marina AbramovicA very powerful experience.  It will connect you with your heart and lift your day.  Artist Marina Abramovic and Ulay started an intese love affair in  the 1970’s, performing out of a van they called home.  When they ended their relationship they decided to walk the Great Wall of China, each from one end, meeting for one last embrace in the middle…….watch as they meet again…..  Under 4 minutes. Click here.

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON At the Academy

Where :  Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road.
When: Monday Nights 7.30pm – 9.30pm
Entry : $15.00, Concession $10.00 Finish time is 9.30pm


THIS MONDAY, 22nd June 2015 at 7.30pm

“KNOWING – A Medium’s Journey”

Marilyn WhallMarilyn Whall
A Spiritual Medium,Teacher and Mentor

Marilyn will share with us her journey as a Medium and the steps that she has discovered along the way. As well, Marilyn will bring us 30 minutes of messages from the World of Spirit, plus your questions and answers.

Marilyn has worked professionally as a spiritual medium for over 11 years and uses her gifts as a spiritual medium to convey the spirit’s messages to those that find their way to her. Renowned for her accuracy, compassion, and insight Marilyn has appeared on TV and also has been featured in Good Health & Medicine Magazine, The Sunday Telegraph, Body and Soul and the India Times. She has worked in the USA teaching alongside James Van Praagh, Tony Stockwell, John Holland and Jose Gosschalk.

Marilyn has a personal interest in mindfulness and philosophy and brings this passion through to her work with individuals and groups. She leads classes, performs public demonstration and offers private readings in person or over Skype and telephone to clients from Australia, New Zealand, USA, Singapore and United Kingdom. Marilyn also has her own development program over 8 weeks on ‘Allow Me to be Your Personal Guide’ for those wanting to enhance their spiritual abilities.

Signed copies of “Knowing” will be on sale tonight

I am not much of a gambling man, but I would bet the reason why, is in Knowing – A Medium’s Journey….the book you should (if you have not already), read, devour and enjoy. Marilyn sharing her story in Knowing, will give you the permission and keys you need to open the door to your very own soul-full search! Go on….we have waited a long time for this very moment…NOW! …James Van Praagh.

Click on the link to read James van Praagh’s website and Blog post about Knowing:

Marilyn Whall website:  

MONDAY, 29th June 2015 at 7.30pm


Master Robyn RiceMASTER ROBYN

Sharing the Teaching of Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha

Come along to find out from Master Robyn Rice more about Dr and Master Sha and how he can serve you. Master Sha is guided by the Divine and Tao and shares his profound wisdom freely with all those he meets…

This is an opportunity to hear about the wonderful work Master Sha has done so far and how he can bless your life prior to his visit to Sydney in July.  Master Sha has two interactive evenings which will help you connect more deeply with your heart and soul to follow your soul’s purpose. on the 7th and 16th July.  These evenings are FREE!   (See below for more details)

From a very young age that Master Sha found he had a very special task on Mother Earth. He began studying under a Master at the age of 6 and has Mastered many healing modalities and ancient arts. His total life Mission is to transform the soul, heart, mind and body of humanity and all souls and to enlighten them further to create a ‘Love, Peace and Harmony Universal family’.

Dr and Master Zhi Gang Sha travels the World 10 months of the year sharing soul secrets, wisdom, knowledge and practical techniques to help others become healthier and happier.

Master Robyn’s example and experiences with Master Sha will leave your soul feeling uplifted and your heart enlightened

On this night you will receive a copy of his books.  

Contact: Email:  Phone: 0455.377 455
Website:   Facebook:

Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy

With Rosemary Butterworth

Hi Everyone, welcome to another week at the Academy.  On Monday Night Tracie and Russell magnificently led us through a Soul Retrieval Night and so much more.  The ceremony not only helped people, animals and fish cross over but we given the opportunity to collect and heal our own soul fragments that we had left behind in this life or previous lives.  Russell performed an empowering ceremony building and strengthening Mother Earth’s chakra system and later chanelled the answers to questions.  All in all it was a night where you could give, receive and empower yourself.  Thank you so much Tracie and Russell.

This week I have been given words of advice from the Ascended Masters.  They say there is an immediate need for us to ‘upgrade’ all of our bodies for those who are ready to move their energy to the 5th dimension   So I have been looking at simple ways we can do this.  This ‘upgrade’ is mandantory for all those who want to go to the Light, be Light and Love.  There is no choice, it is either do it or stay in this world as it is.  Pico Iyer says it all (in the interview “…“change your life” and you repaint your car rather than re-wire the engine.”  See more from Pico Iyer in FYI.

As most of you will know, I have always been interested in the Mental Body for I know our thoughts keep us locked into the 3rd dimension, a world of pain and suffering – and because of that Sai Baba helped me write How to Move Forward – Leave your Thoughts Behind I believe that to read a page of this daily will really help you upgrade the Mental Body which leaves us with what to do with the Spiritual, Emotional, Etheric, and Physical.

Spiritual –  Pray,  chant, meditate – in other words find the stillness inside you each day.

Emotional – Watch, just watch your emotions and stay out of your stories – watch your desire to play ‘poor me’.  Watching and observing dissolves negativity and brings balance back into your emotional body.

Etheric – Bring the Light from the Spiritual Sun down each day and stand in it like you are in a waterfall and ask the Light to clean and clear your Etheric Body.

Physical – Exercise daily, breathe in the sunshine, keep it clean (clear any anger and negative emotion), eat fresh food.  Practice mindfulness throughout the day while attending to duties.

On another note, let us know if we are meeting your needs to upgrade.  Is there something we could present, or write about, are there any questions that you would like answered – we could have a Spiritual QandA?  I was asked the other week, if as a psychic do I ever see ‘bad’ things.  I suppose it all depends what the questioner meant by ‘bad’.  I have seen a mud slide coming down the mountain covering a whole village about 6 weeks before it happened, but if she meant demons the answer is no.  So are the questions that we can answer for you, if so let us know by email.

Next Monday Night is proving to be amazing, write it on your calendar in red and don’t miss it.

Looking forward to seeing you.  Blessings, Rosemary.

Thought Of The Week

You are the sky. Everything else – it’s just the weather.

Pema Chodron   Pema Chödrön

Affirmation – INVOCATION TO TRANQUILITY ~ by Holy Lady Nina

I go within
And open the petals of the Crystal Lotus.
I go within
And as the Lotus blooms
My mind, my body, and emotions quiet.
As my consciousness steps
Into the center of the Lotus, I become tranquil with Who I AM.
I flow with the serenity of Spirit.
As I sit within the Lotus,
I know the Buddha that is Myself.

Pink RoseThis beautiful invocation has come from the Star Seed Highway site and the post The Shekinah, Holy Lady Nina- First Lady of the Pleiades.  To find out about The Shekinah and Lady Nina click here.

Health –  Walk Among The Trees

Trees by Terri Walking among trees makes us more relaxed, nicer people.

In a post on Mother Nature Network they quote study findings indicating  lower levels of cortisol,  lower blood pressure and pulse rate in participants.  Other findings show immune systems were boosted and much more.

Obviously, we would be walking/exercising whilst out in the forest surroundings so that would help all those findings but there is no doubt that we have a chemical reaction to the forest environment.

So go out and walk in nature.  Find a tree lined street or a park if you cannot get to a forest or bush setting often.  Do not ignore the natural assistance that is ready for the taking.  Use all of your senses.  Taste and smell the air, feel the branches and leaves, hear them rustling in the breeze and take in all of the colours and textures that nature supplies. 

If all else fails watch the 3minute YouTube in FYI and go on your own journey.

To read the article on Mother Nature Network click here.



GFM streetwise spiritual FB banner

Streetwise Spiritual Healing: Beyond the Love and Light
with Brendan D. Murphy, Alistair Larmour and Russell Byron

June 27th 5pm – 10.30pm

The key to it all is self-empowerment.
What our souls thirst for is not “Ascension,” but “IN-scension”: accessing of our core self within!
What we need is a true spiritual remedy for what ails us.
GFM presents three leading-edge speakers with the tools and experience for us to take things to the next level.

Find out more about the event and profiles on Brendon, Alistair and Russell at Global Freedom Movement:
Venue: Ambush Gallery Sydney
Cost: $47
View Flyer Here

Master Sha in Sydney

Master & Dr Sha Sydney tour

Join Master Sha, one of the most powerful healers of our time, for very rare Tao Healing Miracles Evenings. They are FREE!

During this powerful Tao Miracle Healing evening Master Sha and his Worldwide Representatives, Master Cynthia, Master Trevor and Master Robyn will create a Tao Field for profound healing and rejuvenation.

You will receive many sacred Tao healing blessings as well as learn how to heal and transform your

  • Spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies,
  • Relationships
  • Finances & business
  • Any other aspect of your life

Tao is the Source. In Master Sha’s teachings Tao teaching, everyone and everything is made of jing qi shen. Jing means matter. Qi means energy. Shen includes soul, heart, and mind. Modern medicine focuses on matter.

Traditional Chinese medicine and many other healing modalities focus on energy. Tao healing focuses on shen, including the soul, heart, and mind. To heal shen is to remove soul, heart, and mind blockages.

WHERE ON 7TH JULY – SMC Conference and Function Centre
66 Goulburn St,Sydney ,NSW 2000 Australia

WHERE ON 16TH JULY – Rydges North Sydney
54 Mc McLaren Street, Sydney

To Register
Or Call 0414522419

I consider Dr. Sha’s healing path to be a universal spiritual practice; a journey into genuine transformation. His professional integrity and compassionate heart are at the root of his being a servant of humankind and my heartfelt prayer for his readers is that they accept his invitation to awaken the power within their souls and realize the natural beauty of their existence.
Michael Bernard Beckwith.. Author of Life Visioning and Spiritual Liberation.

Community Announcements

 Short Term Accommodation Wanted


Co-Creation have a couple of people coming interstate for their Intuitive Anatomy class and are looking for local accommodation (Crows Nest, St Leonards etc) for 3 weeks. Does anyone in the Academy of Light community have a room they would like to rent for 3 weeks in August – starting from the 2nd or 3rd August to 21st August?

 Please contact Theresa Fahd, Co-Creation ThetaHealing on (612) 8065


Pink Flower by TerriWe have begun a new section of our Newsletter. We get so many wonderful phone calls and emails telling us of the experiences that people have had during the week that we feel they need to be shared. By sharing we grow together.

I thank you for all of your interesting newsletters.  There are always such interesting articles in there.

Blessings,  Solara Zwaneveld


A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


Friend the Academy of Light on Facebook!

Our Facebook address is:

Academy of Light.facebook


meetupTHE ACADEMY OF LIGHT (AOL) now has a group on Meetup
so you can RSVP if you will be attending our weekly meetings, which helps us with the seating, and you can see who else will be attending/did attend, if you want to stay in touch.


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