
AOL News – 21st March, 2012 – Ascention Tools!

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our weekly newsletter

The Southern Cross Academy of Light (SCAL) is a part of a Worldwide Spiritual Community that exists to assist in bringing new consciousness to all Humanity. We provide a welcoming, non-judgemental space for a variety of teachers and healers to deliver their messages through our meetings, e-Newsletter, website and Facebook.

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to be the change!


Thought of the Week

sprouting-seed“Yesterday’s failures are today seeds that must be diligently planted to be able to abundantly harvest tomorrow’s successes.”

…..Author Unknown


F.Y.I. – Parts of the Ascension Process.

Part 1. Be the Change you want to see in the world – Nobody else can do it for you.

Love is the New Religion – The Consciousness Army –

This YouTube is very uplifting. It is wonderful to think that The Southern Cross Academy Community is part of it!

Part 2. “Secrets of Aboriginal Healing

The timing of this book is amazing and a miracle in itself. Or is it the Angels saying “here is a simple way to clear your cells and be healthy and well and receive more light”.

Imagine being sentenced to only having 2 years to live, living in America  and then finding Aboriginals in the outback of Australia (another miracle) who couldn’t speak English but who were obviously living in a higher dimension as they communicated through thought.  Imagine being confinded to a wheel chair and then being able to walk – all within 3 weeks by using their methods which are contained in this book.

Gary Holz was given 5 things he had to do to clear his body of emotions.   The Aboriginals knew that while ever he had these emotions in his body, they would block the Light and he wouldn’t heal.  But he did practice what they taught him and was able to walk back onto the plane, healed!   He went home and wrote down the process and this became the” Secrets of Aboriginal Healing”.

As this stream of Light flowing into you becomes stronger there is an ever growing need to clear all obstructions/emotions and allow the Light into every cell of your body.  Otherwise the Light meets a wall of resistance (emotions) and this causes us pain and dis-ease.

This book is $18(plus $2 Post)  and is available on the Academy websitesecrets-of-aboriginal-healing


Health tips – Healthy Hints.

Diet: Eating sensible nutritious food at regular meal times will contribute to good health, stamina and minimize the risk of infection and illness.

veggie_platter*  The healthy daily diet is based on complex carbohydrates, grains, nuts and seeds, fruits, vegetables and protein and fluids.  Foods that are low in saturated fats and reduce sugar intake are best for your health

Saturated fats come from the fat is meat, beef, lamb, pork, chicken whole diary products.  High calorie oils, coconut and palm oils are not good for the body.

*  Chew.  Digestion begins in the mouth with chewing and the secretion of enzymes.  Eating quickly increases the amount of air and the size of the food swallowed.  This will lead to inadequate digestion and an increase in gas production.  If you want to loose weight eat slowly.

*  Eat with awareness.  Awareness eating has been proven to cause a rise in metabolism.  Ask yourself how hungry you are before and after each meal.  Take 5 minutes to relax before a meal if you feel stressed.  Prepare as many meals yourself as possible – touching, tasting and smelling food before you eat it will prepare the body for digestion, prevent over eating and improve your psychological relationship with food.  A microwave meal is more likely to result in overeating compared to a home cooked meal.  Stop eating when you are almost full, to gauge whether you need any more.  It is O.K. to leave a little on your plate.  It takes approximately 20 minutes for our brains to receive the signal of satisfaction during a meal.

…..Penelope McKenna, Herbs for Life


Affirmation – say every day.

Take three deep breaths and relax.  Say:

“I inhale the precious breath of life and allow my body and mind to relax.”breathing-at-the-beach


In and Around The Academy

logo_small2from Rosemary Butterworth.

Narelle Green and I will be the Guest Speakers on the 2nd April.  It is going to be a night with a difference! We will be finding out what colour you need to move forward.   See Neutral Bay Monday Nights 2nd April below.

I work with Angels as do a lot of people.  I read where the purpose of the angelic healers is to help humanity create a healthy, vitalized body, to transform the human body radiates with light.  In the past, the higher frequencies of light have been shielded to protect humanity from receiving more intensity than the body can handle.  Now these shields are gently lifting.  Evolved souls are especially sensitive to this radiant light flowing into the planet.  You may or may not be mediating or praying each day; either way you may extremely sensitive to these finer frequencies of light.  Our illnesses or physical pain show us where we have blockages/emotions that need clearing.  They are areas where the radiant light is somehow blocked from reaching you.  As you bring in more light, you will need to keep upgrading your body and the way you treat it.  Your skill in handling the light that is pouring in determines how high you can go.

I feel that The Southern Cross Academy of Light has come into being to support and care for you as you grow in the Light.

We must be going to be here in 2013 because we are already taking enquiries for next year.  People on the radar are Shirley Humphries-Battie and Michael Mitchell.


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, cnr of Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay. Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.

In the last few weeks Rosemary has been guided to give messages to those with sick friends and family.  The candles are then placed in the centre for Love and Light to manifest for all.


MONDAY, 26th March, 2012

valerie-barrowValerie Barrow

A Group Regression

Valerie has just returned from a Past Life Regression Workshop held at Coolum Beach Resort, in Queensland, with Dr. Brian Weiss – Psychiatrist – USA – best selling author.  She will be sharing information as well as her own experiences with Regression and Past Life Therapy.

She would also like to hold an introductory group regression on the night. **So please bring a cushion and blanket to lay on the floor.**

Valerie Barrow is a psychic medium who gives her gifts, writings and teachings in service as an instrument of the spiritual source of all life.  She spreads the sacred history of the Planet Earth with help from Alcheringa and other guides.

Take a peek at this Youtube video as Valerie talks about her channeling of Alcheringa.

If you would like to see a video of her original channeling on 10.10.1995 of Alcharinga, click here.


MONDAY, 2nd April, 2012

A NIGHT WITH A DIFFERENCE with Narelle Green and Rosemary Butterworth


On the night we will have 3 tables set up for you to experience Soul Colour Energy Products and find out what the colour you need right now to balance, heal and expand the dimensions of your Aura. This colour will bring your mind and body into harmony with your own soul and your Solar Angel.


Your soul has its own colour and its own sound or note.  This colour and this sound are like your soul’s signature.  The beauty of this colour signifies the state of your soul’s evolution.  The radiance of this colour proclaims your soul’s success in learning from all of its earth’s experience.

A lot of you have heard about Soul Colour and some of you have experienced their unique, beautiful and innovative Energy Products. Well, The Academy wanted you to be the first to know that Narelle has just finished her book on colour, which will be published shortly by Hay House. When Narelle’s book was presented to Hay House their comment was “this is fantastic, it is what we have been waiting for, someone to write about colour in depth”

“Working with light is a life-altering experience. You use the light until you feel the light, and when you feel the light, you have the opportunity to be the light.”……….Narelle.

What’s On


Ann and friends will bring us an Evening of Divine Healing, arrive at 7.15pm and find a comfortable seat, doors shut at 7.30pm for the start.

Ann is well known for these events and loves to bring in this fine yet powerful energy force for all to experience.  She is an international energy medicine practitioner, counsellor, medium and spiritual teacher…join us!! but be prepared for a big night of energy as it washes over you.

Date: Thursday evening – 22nd March 2012

Place: Awareness Institute, 20 Clarke St ,(off Willoughby St)Crows Nest.

Wear: Casual loose clothing – white/light if possible

Time: Starts 7.30pm sharp (doors shut)

Donation $25.00 includes refreshments.

Private healings with Ann are available until 30th March, when she leaves to take a special person to John of God in Brazil. Book by calling – mobile 0418 917 420 or email: –  website:


Essence of Angels Practitioner Workshop – 5th-6th May 2012 – Mosman

essence-of-angelsThe Essence of Angels® 2 day workshop, awakens you to the 12 Sacred Templates of Creation (the Archangels). Learn how to work with each of the 12 Sacred Templates to awaken your DNA, understand your 12 Chakra energy system, the 8 Dimensions of our Milky Way Galaxy, and open your natural intuitive and psychic abilities and bring health, vitality and deep healing.

This workshop provides you with a new set of healing tools, based on the Archangels. Whether you attend this workshop for your own personal development, or to graduate as an Essence of Angels Practitioner, this event will accelerate your spiritual development.

Visit or click on the attached flyer for further details.


Community Announcements

Centennial Park Labyrinth Project

chatres-labyrinthThis is a special event being held at the Mosman Art Gallery on Sunday 1st April, to help raise funds for the Centennial Park Labyrinth Project. Robert Ferre is an expert on labyrinths and I am very pleased to offer you the opportunity to hear him speak about Sacred Geometry and the Chartres Labyrinth.

Topic: Chartres Cathedral, France – “Its relevance, yesterday and today”Presenter: Robert Ferré was a founder of the Labyrinth Society and is a leading figure in the construction of labyrinths in the USA. He is in Australia to build a labyrinth in the Children’s Hospital in Westmead – the first hospital in Australia to have a labyrinth. Over a period of 47 years he has visited Chartres more than 50 times, and for many years, led groups to France on pilgrimage. His website provides all you need to know about building labyrinths.

Robert’s talk will cover Divine Creation, number and proportion, and the quality of numbers as exemplified in Chartres Cathedral and its elegant labyrinth.  “Sacred geometry is a spiritual exercise that seeks to find eternal truths as displayed in the beauty of nature.”

Where: Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre, (Cnr Art Gallery Way & Myahgah Rd, Mosman)  When: 3pm, Sunday 1st April    Cost: $20The talk will be followed by a labyrinth walk at 6pm on a canvas labyrinth produced by Robert’s Labyrinth Workshop in Missouri.

This event is brought to you by the Centennial Park Labyrinth Project  Booking essential – RSVP via to reserve your place Labyrinths and Sacred Geometry.

For an instant experience of the labyrinth download the iPause app:


Guided Imagery and Music

louise-terry-clark-smlWith Louise Terry-Clark (RMT)

Want someone to talk to? Enjoy music?
Louise Terry-Clark has 10 years experience as a registered therapist and is now offering a beautiful method of discovering the inner self, via Guided Imagery and Music (GIM).
The Bonny method of Guided Imagery and Music is a music-oriented exploration of consciousness. It offers persons the opportunity to integrate spiritual, emotional, mental and physical aspects of well-being as well as awaken to a greater transcendent identification. Specifically sequenced music programs are used to stimulate a dynamic unfolding of inner experiences. A dialogue between therapist (guide) and client (traveller) enhances this rich experience.
Guided Imagery and Music can support self discovery, spiritual development, trauma, grief and loss, relationships, post cancer support and much more.
As Louise is in her final year of Post Graduate study (Guided Imagery and Music) 90 minute sessions are offered at a reduced cost of $30. First session is offered free of charge, so those interested can trial this method.
For more information please CLICK HERE


Treat yourself to a wonderful Bowen Therapy session (you deserve it).

bowen-therapyA Bowen treatment relaxes all your muscles and YOU.     Bowen is a holistic and multidimensional approach to pain relief and healing with remarkable results. You can include a relaxing meditation with the treatment or have the treatment or meditation on its own. Please call for inquiries or to make an appointment. Open the door to relaxation and peace.

Ema Suncic – Bowen practitioner; Port Stephens and Newcastle. Ph.: 0423 218 010.



A community announcement costs $30.  To advertise on our weekly newsletter we can include a picture, add an attachment of your brochure and type a small paragraph of up to 100 words for $75.

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.  To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Southern Cross Academy of  Light is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.
