
AOL News – Wednesday, 26 February 2014 – Be Love

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The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to ask is it mine or is it yours?

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Carol Tuttle – Mini Healing Session – Clearing the fear of “what other people think”

Carol TuttleIn this 7 minute clip Carol Tuttle assists in clearing the lies and limiting beliefs that can muddle up our lives.  Those limiting beliefs are cleared in an incredible tapping session (EFT).  Carol says “One of the most basic fears people run is the fear that others might think of them in a negative way.  Why not clear this fear and open your energy to “what people think of me is respectful, honoring and supportive!”.  This is very powerful and life changing.  Click here.


Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds – Beyond Thinking – Who Am I (part 4)

Inner WorldThis is a 4 minute clip that discusses the importance of our inner world and that it is this loss of connection to our inner worlds that has created imbalance on the planet.  The ancient tenant “know thyself” has been replaced with the desire to know and experience the outer world of form.  Answering the question of “who am I” is looked at from eastern thought.  Lots of wisdom in this clip!  Please watch.  Click here.


Brahma Kumaris – Guided Meditation – Divine Light

Brahama Kumaris meditationAnother beautiful meditation guided by Brahma Kumaris.  This is a truly healing, refreshing experience.  Brahama reminds us that we are eternal – connecting us back to who we truly are.  This meditation goes for 9 minutes.  Take some time out. Click here.



“You can’t control the wind, but you can learn to sail.”

Lama Surya Das
Lama Surya Das



“I fill my self with love, and I send that love out into the world

How others treat me is their path; how I react is mine.”

Dr Wayne Dyer

Taken from a fabulous website where you can receive beautiful and life changing affirmations daily.
Click here for website.


In and Around the Academy

Academy of Light - Supporting Your Souls Journey

With Rosemary & Terri

Wow!!! What a fabulous night we had on Monday – our Monthly Sound Night. The mystical sound experience of Jax, Adrian and Carmen where transforming. We had nearly forty people in the Great Hall allowing plenty of room for those who chose to lie down. With so many people the energy was incredible. Some new faces and some we hadn’t seen for a while. So good!

Our next sound night will be on 24th March – keep a look out in the next few weeks for what & who we have planned.  

Did everyone try the Dr Hew Len Inner Child meditation last week that we linked you to in the newsletter?  It is powerful!  Well worth while going through the process at least once!

For all those people who have been following the Centennial Park labryinth project, here is an update.  On Wednesday, 5 February 2014 more than 50 people attended the Silver Spade Sod-Turning Celebration to symbolise the commencement of construction of the labryinth.  It was a very proud moment for Centennial Parklands, Centennial Parklands Foundation and Emily Simpson.  They are virtually at their target of $500,000.00.  Congratulations to Kim Ellis, Sarah Whyte and all the team, family supporters and doners.


HEALTH – Dr Libby’s Healthy Way – Green Smoothie

Libby WeaverDr Libby Weaver has released her third book, “The Real Food Chef”, which incorporates her health philosophy with everyday eating.  Dr Libby’s message is what is already well known – eat more greens.  But she knows peoples’ desire to do this will not happen overnight, and recommends to start introducing greens in small amounts.

“Instead of saying ‘don’t eat this’, I like to say ‘eat more of the good stuff’ and the desire for foods that do not serve us, will naturally fall away.”

The recipe for the green smoothie is as follows:

1. 150g (6 oz) fresh spinach leaves or silverbeet (Swiss chard) leaves
2. water from one young coconut or buy packaged coconut water in the juice section of the supermarket
3. 1 to 2 bananas, peeled and frozen

Drain the water from the coconut. Set aside.
Coarsely chop the silverbeet if using.
Combine the spinach, coconut water and the frozen bananas in the bowl of a food processor or blender. Pulse until the mixture is smooth and creamy. Add more water if you prefer a thinner smoothie.

Note: The silverbeet will make a darker smoothie than the spinach.

You may wish to add an extra banana for sweetness until you get used to a green smoothie, or try adding blueberries for children who are wary of greens.

Accidently overweightWe highly recommend Dr Libby’s first book, Accidently Overweight.  “Libby’s extensive knowledge of how the body works makes her a “one-stop shop” in achieving and maintaining ultimate health and well being.” – forward by Debora-Lee & Hugh Jackman.  This book is available for purchase through the Academy – cost $25.00.

“To increase our vibration we have to clear out our cells (not just of thoughts and emotions but physically too!).  A green smoothie in the mornings is a great way of doing just that.” Rosemary Butterworth


Mosman Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a guest speaker.  By attending or linking up with our weekly Monday night gatherings you will not only meet likeminded people, be in group energy and rest your mind, you will also raise your vibration and consciousness setting yourself up for the week ahead.  See below for the next two weeks topics. 

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road, Mosman at 7.30pm Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00. Light refreshments are served.


3rd MARCH 2014

Vicki E OLeary – Channelling Universal Subconscious (“US”)


Terri Kelly Graphic

‘Raise your vibration, uplift your soul, bring magic into your life this is the new era of humanity and we are here to celebrate with you. We will be bringing a divine message of light and exceptional clarity on the event of 3rd March and this message will have far reaching consequences in all of your lives. We are going to bring light through in streams of consciousness that will shift your memories, it will shift your past, it will shift your future so that what will occur is an experience from out of the stars. It will bring you so much joy and understanding that you will be able to manifest magic in your life from this point on.’

Terri KellyVicki E Oleary is presenting this channelling from Universal Subconscious (“US”) to bring everyone’s energies and light into the present so we can all use this magical energy that is permeating our souls at this divine time.

If you are feeling lost at the moment or you know there is magic on the horizon and you want to feel what it is like to grasp it, Vicki will take you on an experiential journey far beyond. The knowledge and the vibration of the information she channels is expansive and reaches deep into the soul affecting cellular memory, physical form and deep subconscious patterning.

The channellings Vicki present are practical and designed to evolve the spirit and vibration of the person whilst also giving a comparison to the density of the human form in an experience of shifting realities as they move through the varied exercises presented in the event.

Vicki’s books: ‘Creating Rainbows’ and ‘Transition to a New World’ (currently downloading) both come from sources outside of our current space time reality and connect into a wisdom far beyond the earth teachings of this time.

Vicki presents channellings, is a Reiki Master Teacher and Practitioner with 12 years experience, an Author and Intuitive Healer. Vicki is also available for personalised channelled sessions and energetic healings.

Contact: Mobile: 0410.297 6270410.297 627 Click here for email:  click here for website.


10th MARCH 2014



A Night where the Academy Community is needed to do service to assist Mother Earth.

Katherine Fairbrooks 1
Come along and help create Heaven on Earth by being part of a GROUP MANDALA dedicated to healing and raising the consciousness of Mother Earth and Humanity.  Having raised your energy in the group meditation this will help grow the base and earth star chakras, contributing to future manifestation.

Katherine will not only share with us the hidden power of Mandalas but will take us on a journey to reconnect to our true centre and a higher level of love, joy and oneness.

Bring along flowers, crystals or stones if you wish OR use the art materials provided on the night to be part of the Mandala.  There will be 2 meditations on the night.

Katherine says “Mandalas are a sacred tool found in wide-ranging traditions such as Buddhism, Native American Indian medicine wheels, Hindu Yantras, Art therapy, Jungian psychology, crop circles, Stonehenge and labyrinths. There is an energy, wisdom and power emanating from mandalas and they can help to raise your vibration and consciousness if you visualize, meditate, draw or work with them.”

Katherine is a Holistic Life Coach, NLP Master Practitioner, Reiki Master, Meditation Facilitator and TS Member She is passionate about art, the environment, personal and planetary transformation, and healing. She has studied psychology, spiritual healing, crystal healing, angel intuitive, and is currently a student of tarot, yoga and theosophy (‘divine wisdom’)..

Contacts: Mobile: 0423.128 4430423.128 443 – click here for email




April 1-6th, 2104 – Mosman, Sydney Australia



Join this 6 DAY Alchemical Temple Arts Training. An Evolutionary Priest/ess is one who is connected through the heart to the whole of life, attuned to the deeper intelligence of nature, and called forth irresistibly by spirit to creatively express his or her gifts in the evolution of self and the world.

Above all, an Evolutionary Priest/ess is a direct expression of the Divine Human. To become an Evolutionary Priest/ess is to evolve consciously, choosing a path of development that has never been mapped before in a world that has never existed before.

This experiential Creative Self Mastery Salon offers you a direct entryway into the multidimensional facets of the Sacred Feminine/Masculine and serves as a living blueprint for activating your unique Soul Codes for conscious evolution and the birthing of a Divine New Humanity.

Go to the website:  To register please email

To view the flyer click here


Living with Unconditional Love

Unconditional Love

4 week Free workshop series

Wednesday Evening in Surry Hills

When we love unconditionally we allow ourselves to find love, harmony, and happiness in any situation. We embrace the infinitely loving essence of our spirit, and let ourselves more freely express and give the deepest love in our heart and soul.

In this series workshops we will explore the meaning, feeling and experience of unconditional love in our lives, and investigate the possibility and potential to create and live our lives with the intention and energy of unconditional love in each moment.

I deeply feel there is no right or wrong in life, no good or bad, and that there is divine perfection and love in every aspect and moment of creation. If you resonate or are interested in this perspective you will likely find the workshops to be engaging or stimulating in some way.

Each workshop is free, and you may attend any or all of the workshops. Each workshop will contain a talk on the topic, discussions and meditation activities.

The topics and dates for the 4 workshops are as follows:
Unconditional Love and Relationships – Wed/5th/March
Unconditional Love: Physical health, Body Image, and Healing – Wed/12th/March
Unconditional Love: Family Relationships & Dynamics – Wed/19th/March
Unconditional Love: Sex, Sexuality & Self-Esteem – Wed/2nd/April

All the workshops are in Surry Hills from 7.15pm-9.30pm in Surry Hills
Address will be given on RSVP for individual workshops.

For more information contact Simon, visit or  Click Here to view the flyer.

Email Phone: 0466 412 8490466 412 849


Community Announcements

UFO Research NSW inc/ Exopolitics Sydney proudly presents


Pane Andov March 2014

On this Saturday 1st March 9am to

At Burwood club RSL, 96 Shaftesbury Road, Burwood

(parking on site) 5 minute walk from Burwood station

Cost $40 per ticket

To Book contact Or phone 9144 7677 or 0422 898 3980422 898 398

For more information, go to Pane’s website or UFO Research’s website


Uncle BRIAN BUTLER Seminar and workshop

14th & 16th March 2014

Uncle Brian Butler
It is truly a privilege having Uncle Brian teach us. He will be in Sydney from South Australia only for a few days for:

1.  an evening gathering on RESPECT AND RECIPROCITY, Friday 14th March,

2.  a workshop on FROM FEAR TO FEARLESSNESS, Sunday 16th March.

Discounted tickets for those wishing to attend both events are available. As there are only 50 places, please make sure you book early.

VENUE: Middle Head, Soldiers’ Rest Cottage, Mosman

For more information click here.



Val Code has recently returned to Sydney from a 2 months stay at Sai Baba’s Ashram. A very active woman, 75+ and simply needs temporary accomodation. She would love to stay with like minded people, her email address is: and her phone number is: 0490 408 9800490 408 980



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB:  112 879   Account No: 485610498

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425(02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562(02) 8005 0562.

The Academy of  Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

Scal Australia | Facebook



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