
AOL News – 2nd May, 2012 – Pathways to Love

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our weekly newsletter

The Southern Cross Academy of Light (SCAL) is a part of a Worldwide Spiritual Community that exists to assist in bringing new consciousness to all Humanity. We provide a welcoming, non-judgmental space for a variety of teachers and healers to deliver their messages through our meetings, e-Newsletter, website and Facebook.

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The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us that Love is the Answer


Thought of the Week:

“Loving thoughts come from the heart, unfiltered by the mind.  They are without expectation or demand. They lack judgement and embody compassion.  Loving thoughts reach beyond ego and circumvent conflict.  They imagine harmony where none resides.  Like a scythe, love cuts through impossible obstacles.”

… Greer Allica, ‘Meditation is Powerful’.love


Affirmation – say every day.

Take three deep breaths and relax.  Say these words:

“I am a Divine child and I will play, have fun and giggle.  I will laugh for no reason and for every reason.”

… Michelle McGrath, Self-Love cards  sacred-self


FYI – “The Universe and all things Love”

Is there more than one universe? In this visually rich, action-packed talk, Brian Greene shows how the unanswered questions of physics (starting with a big one: What caused the Big Bang?) have led to the theory that our own universe is just one of many in the “multiverse.”

Brian Greene is perhaps the best-known proponent of superstring theory, the idea that minuscule strands of energy vibrating in a higher dimensional space-time create every particle and force in the universe.

Brian Greene has done a Seminar on ‘TED’ that is well worth watching.  Here is the link, click here universe

May Article  –  Avinash Do

From his mid-20s, Avinash Do began a spiritual search that at the age of 36 culminated in an experience of awakening – the state of no more suffering. “Avinash” means “indestructible”, and was the name given to him by Amma, who he travelled with and served for 4 years. He now spends his time helping others to find their own inner love, joy and peace.

To see Avinash Do’s article “The Journey Back Home to Love click here

grail-havenGerry Taylor-Wood of Grail Haven contacted us on 20 April to put her ‘mission’ for a 2nd Grail Haven Centre to be in the South of France in our Monday night blessings for love, light an prayers as there was an ‘obstructive force’ operating against this mission.  This led to a decision to be made on 23 April 2012  in a French Court and Gerry felt there was only a 50/50 chance of this going ahead at that time.  As we often do for people and projects we placed this ‘mission’ in the centre on the Monday night sending it love and light.

Good news…we have heard back from Gerry Taylor-Wood about the Healing Centre court case. It has been adjourned to 25 June, 2012!  Gerry is very excited by this as she is an Astrologer, among her other gifts, and tells us that this is excellent news due to the planetary alignment for that timing.


Health Tip – The Muscles

The muscles have a lot to do with how you feel about yourself.  They have a very strong energy and they love to be babied.  The jaw is the strongest muscle in the body.  The consciousness of the muscles is of courage and bravery.  The muscles are strong and can be stubborn and have tension locked into them.  Muscles are very controlling and hold on to stubborness issues.  The muscles, along with much of the body, think they are indestructible.  If they are in an accident, there is a moment of shock when they realise they are not unbreakable.   Muscles may store the memory of an injury in the area of trauma.  This is why it can be important to release the trauma of an accident that is held in the muscles with a Healing.
Muscles think they are the most important part of the body.
* Muscles pump the lymph system
* Muscles produce cortisone
* Muscles require protein
Cardiovascular exercise is good for the muscles and weight lifting cleans wastes from the system. With regular exercise you trigger the body to produce more mitochondria and also help relieve stress from the body. Pilates and Yoga move the muscles in a positive fashion.  People with cancer should stimulate the muscle groups as this can help send cancer into remission.
*A deep full body massage is the equivalent to exercising all the muscles.
Consider the use of more magnesium and vitamin C to help the body to get rid of toxins.  Muscle cramps usually mean that you are low on magnesium, potassium or low on Vitamin E.  Calcium tightens the muscles and Magnesium relaxes them.

vianna-stibal-disease-and-disorder….Vianna Stibal, Theta Healing ‘Disease and Disorder’


In and Around The Academy

logo_small2from Rosemary Butterworth.

Nathan Star, speaking about enlightened children, was delightful as was his Inner Child meditation.   We all benefited from his coming.

It made us realise what a responsibility it is, to parent such open children.  Children who are like sponges and drink in whatever is being offered to them.  Following Nathan’s talk, I was speaking to a father of a 7 year old boy and pointed out to him that whatever opinion, belief he has, whatever criticism he makes, his son picks it up and is conditioned by it.  It was a very useful and sobering thought for the father who realised he must be more aware of what he says to the child.

I was asked recently, why is it some people heal and others don’t.    I have realised that it is all about how much light we have been able to embody, how high the frequency is.  And that all depends on the pathways we have opened to the light in the brain.  Dr. Libby Weaver says that at puberty a pathway from the ovaries to the Pituitary gland is opened.  It is small to begin with, only as wide as a spider’s web but with the passing months and years it widens and becomes a super highway and this allows for the hormones to be passed through the ovaries so that becoming pregnant is easy when grown up.  This is why she doesn’t recommend the Pill because it stops the connection and this is why it is difficult for some to fall pregnant.

The reason why some people such as Vianna Stibal have instant healings seems to me, that they have built a super highways for light, i.e. they built new neutron pathways in the brain that allow for higher frequencies of light to come through.  They have also prepared their body to accept this light by exercising, good diet and regular meditation.  They have cleansed their bodies of negative emotions that block the cells and become so dense that they won’t accept the light.

Each Monday Night we have a special meditation that floods the brain with light, the Pineal, Pituitary and the Hyperthalamus and clears not only the aura of negative emotions but also the individual organs.  It is to prepare you to be able to accept more light into your body, to heal and raise your consciousness.

Come and join us and open and strengthen new pathways of Light in your body and prepare it to accept the  higher frequencies that are now available to us.


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr of  Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay.
Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.

The healing Light created by us is very powerful  as we come together and light candles
that are placed in the centre of the room after the meditation.
You can send this Light and Love to family or sick friends or send it to a project you may be involved in.
Do come and join us to light a candle  for Love and Light to manifest for all.


MONDAY, 7th May, 2012

“Reach Beyond our Present Awareness  for a New Truth – A Soul Truth”

kerry-henwoodKerry Henwood

Come along and explore what is:
* A Morphogenic Field
* The seven virtues of the Heart Soul
* Have fun weaving these virtues together to have a portal to your Soul Heart-mind.
* Discover what indigenous cultures have always known about these

Kerry will talk about how to express the virtues of your Soul how to weave them together to have a portal to your Soul heart-mind. To reach beyond your present awareness for a new truth- that truth then changes both your awareness and your “morphogenic Field”. Discover what indigenous cultures have always known.
Kerry is a lineage-bearer of her grandmother’s Samoan shamanic tradition, has over 30 years of healing experience, a recognised international speaker, teacher and intuitive healer, studied extensively with numerous shamans and yogis around the world.  Kerry has been living in the USA for the past 18 years and is visiting Sydney in May to conduct trainings in The Art of Soul Retrieval and Advanced Angelic Shamanism.

To read more about Kerry visit her website:


MONDAY, 14th May, 2012

“Archangel Michael, Mary and the Dragon lines”

marie-mullerMarie Muller

In this time of new beginnings, let us draw on the timeless, ancient wisdom of the great beings, Michael and Mary, to help us discover more about ourselves.

In the Year of the Dragon, gain understanding how Ancient Dragon Lines can be assisting you today. Discover what Archangel Michael is communicating as Humanity birth’s a new cycle. Be moved by connecting to Sacred Sites & Power Centres as more of the mystery opens to you.  In this Year of the Dragon, as a great cycle comes to an end, become more open to what lies within and align your heart to your Soul’s Quest.

Marie is a Teacher in Integrative Health and Well-being.  Recognised internationally, spiritual growth is the driving force behind Marie’s aspirations, a practitioner of 25 years in Remedial, Deep Tissue massage and Psychosomatic Therapy.  By awakening to our Soul’s highest potential, she believes that this will feed our Spirit, while learning to understand and enjoy our Human experience.

Through her experiences of sacredness and reconnection to Source, Marie has travelled to Power Centres and Sacred Sites around the globe. She is known as an intuitive Spiritual Teacher who expresses the Divine Mother’s essence. Together with her husband, Hermann Muller they established the Harmony Body and Mind Healing Centre in South East Queensland in 1989.

To learn more about Marie click here:


What’s On:

Starts Tonight!!!!!

crystal-humanBECOMING A NEW HUMAN.


What can we expect from the future? According to visionary and futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard, we will see a new type of human emerge in the world. She calls this the Universal Human, and it could be the key to our survival as a species.There is a need to upgrade our body and mind so it can take more Light.

So come and be part of the dramatic transformation – explore what needs to be released without judgement, to be able to safely raise our light frequencies to become a new human.

To read a basic introduction to the course click here

To read the full course overview click here

When:  Wednesday nights, 2nd May to 20th June.Where: Co-creation Centre, 1st Floor 89 Chandos Street, St Leonards.

Bookings: email or phone (02) 9967 4425


First time in Australia – QiGong Weekend for Women

Female Fertility, Vitality and Hormonal Balance with Glenys Brown

You do not have to suffer the debilitating symptoms of menopause, period pain, fertility problems, low libido or the other side-effects of fluctuating hormones.
The ancient practice of Medical QiGong is the natural way to enhance fertility, move gracefully through menopause, boost your energy and regain your libido.
Sat 19 & Sun 20 May. Pennant Hills.
With visiting QiGong Master/ Teacher and International Medical Intuitive Glenys Brown.  For more detailed information about this course click here
Includes morning tea and mini medical intuitive reading.
$449. AOL newsletter readers $50 discount, be quick.
4 private sessions available. Contact Jenny 0403 787 474


Face Reading / Psychosomatic Therapy – Your Body and You

face-readingLearn what your face says about you, and how to read and relate to others by understanding how they process thought, emotions and deliver these into action.   Your body is speaking to you and sending messages constantly. Psychosomatic Therapy provides tools to assist others, whilst simultaneously providing insights into your own experience, attitudes and behaviours.
Free Introductory Night
7th May – 7.00pm – 9.30pm Intuitive Well (Bondi Junction)
LEVEL 1 Bondi Junction
Day 1 – 2     Saturday Sunday   21st and 22nd July
Day 3 – 6     Friday 27th – 28th – 29th 30th July
Level 2
Day 7 – 10    Thursday – Sunday  9th – 10th – 11th – 12th August
For further details click here or phone Linda Thackray on 0400 929 020, email:


Community Announcements:

World Labyrinth Day – 5th May

labyrinth-picHere’s a chance for you to walk the labyrinth or introduce a friend to it as part of Wold Labyrinth Day on 5th May.We will have the canvas labyrinth set up at the Mosman Art Gallery from 11am. You and your friends can walk it anytime.
At 1pm, there will be a Walking a Peaceful Path Ceremony. We will be part of a rolling wave of labyrinth walks all over the world…’walking as one at one’.
The labyrinth will then be available to walk again freely from 2pm until 5pm when we hold one of our regular, facilitated group walks.
This one will be special because Karen Quant, another Veriditas trained facilitator, will be ‘sounding’ the crystal bowls while you walk. The music of the crystal bowls is an extraordinarily calming sound which enhances any meditative and contemplative practice.  It will be a wonderful opportunity to experience walking the labyrinth on your own in a more natural, organic way.
All welcome – come walk the mystery…

Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre
Corner of Myahgah Rd and Art Gallery Way, Mosman
Emily Simpson  0439 934 283


Gerry Crow


Are you looking for Direction? Where is your soul mate? Has your Career come to a standstill? Do you want to connect with loved  ones who have passed over?
Is life overwhelming? Then book  a reading now with Gerry Crow… Through  her strong  connection with Spirit, Gerry will reveal your future and your complete potential
Her Clients’ Testimonials validate   her accuracy.

Spiritual / Shamanic Healing and Aura/Chakra Balancing

Do you wish to be more centred in your life? Are you feeling tired and ungrounded?    Having a balance from Gerry will assist you into the present and allow all negative energies to fall away.
Gerry utilises traditional, spiritual-intuitive and shamanic healing methods such as: toning, drumming, crystal healing, acupressure and breath techniques within these sessions.  As well as this she incorporates the channelled wisdom from Spirit with her studied knowledge when giving you a Spiritual/Shamanic healing or Aura/Chakra Balance.
Gerry has been reading, healing and teaching for over thirty years.
She is currently touring in Sydney for Private Readings and Healings
Day and Evening Appointments Now available on Wednesday 9/5/12 and Saturday  12/5/12
To Book your appointment phone Mob: 0449 865 473


In July Psychic and Spiritual Development Course starting in Sydney

Join Gerry Crow on Facebook



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks.
An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account:
The Southern Cross Academy of Light at
St George Bank
BSB:  112 879   Account No: 1542 10967

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.
To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Southern Cross Academy of  Light is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

Scal Australia | Facebook



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