

By Kaliana Rose and Rama Raphael.

It is such an important time on our beautiful Mother Earth and Light workers are being asked to travel and support her in her Ascension into higher dimensions of Light.

Our work is to support the transformation of old thought forms of separation that have inhibited humanity from living and experiencing Divine Love. …Thus restoring the true potential of Sacred Union which is to birth and co-create through male female balance ~ Heaven on Earth.

We have just returned from our International tour, a profound journey travelling for 10 weeks facilitating our workshops and Sound Healing meditation evenings in USA, Canada, France, Switzerland, Poland and England.

In our Sacred Union weekend we bring the Energy Patterns Codes of the Sacred Magdalene and Yeshua lineages to offer to participants for their own personal healing and also to offer these codes of Sacred Union to anchor and activate in the Christ grids of the Earth.  This lineage is held by many enlightened souls who realized and embodied their potential as living libraries of the sacred teachings of the Divine Feminine/Divine Masculine wisdom, radiating this blessing to all beings.

After being requested by Holy Spirit to offer our work overseas we only had 4 -5 weeks to organize this journey, which would normally take many months of advanced planning. Holy Spirit said this was a seed journey and we would travel back again next year.

In a meditation in July, Kaliana was asked by Spirit to travel to Poland to assist in healing a block in the Christ Grid. She had also received an invitation to Switzerland (near Geneva), Calgary in Canada and Glastonbury in England. Rama received it was important to travel to Montana USA and France.

Rama took on the task of organizing all the travel arrangements while Kaliana spent hours emailing potential co-ordinators in the different countries ~ creating new flyers for the workshops and videos (made very spontaneously) with the assistance of a friend Ra’Shiym and daughter Kahli who also totally revamped our website.

We left for overseas on the 12th August, with not one booking for any of the workshops, not knowing if any of our workshops would gather but totally trusting in the Guidance from Holy Spirit.

Montana USA:

On a beautiful healing retreat in Montana we assisted Qala, a beloved teacher and friend on a retreat and we offered our Sound Healing Meditation evening to the local community. The people we met there were so open hearted and welcoming, and the retreat offered deep healing and gave us a chance again to deepen our own relationship and offer our Sacred Union codes to the land.

Calgary Canada:

We stayed with our beautiful co-ordinator Noreen and her daughter for 2 weeks. Over that time we gave two sound healing meditation evenings and two separate men’s and women’s workshops and a Sacred Union Weekend. The groups there were small but powerful and much healing was offered to the land. We visited Lake Louise, the Ashram of Archangel Michael, in the Rocky Mountains for a meditation with a group. Noreen met new friends and they will all continue to support each other. We have been invited back in 2016 to offer more workshops.

Paris France:

We had an amazing young couple Kaishaan and El’zraijika as our co-ordinators and translators in Paris. We gave private sessions, a sound healing evening and a Sacred Union workshop with 20 participants and a small dog. Everyone there brought such a depth of commitment and passion to the work….Lots of laughter and deep emotional release. We have been invited back in 2016 to offer a 5 day retreat.

North and South of France;

After Paris we travelled to the North of France near Calais staying at a Chateau on a property where we worked deeply with a friend Tamayra, Peter the owner and a Lightworker Richard who travelled from London just for the day to release wounds held in the land from the war and inquisition times that were affecting the grids.

We then travelled to the South of France hosted by Rosine and her husband Andre in their beautiful home. The Ardeche region is truly beautiful with many old stone buildings and mountain scenery and lots of beautiful walks.

Rosine drove us several hours to Provence and the Cave of Mary Magdalene at St Baume. It was such a profound experience to offer the codes to the land there and meditate in the beautiful peaceful energy.

Switzerland (near Geneva)

We stayed with our gorgeous co-ordinator and translator Svara and her husband and two small children. Offering private sessions, sound healing evenings with Kaliana facilitating a women’s weekend and Rama a one day men’s group. Again very deep healing and transformation occurring for everyone and this offered to the Christ grids of the land. Over the weekend the 13 women, and another little dog, who attended were amazing and deeply committed to the healing process, much tears and laughter and friendships formed to continue to support each other in their ongoing healing. Rama’s Mens group went deep and they have committed to meeting regularly. We have been invited back in 2016 to offer our Sacred Union Seminar.

Poland Warsaw:

We only had one contact for Poland who connected us to a beautiful couple half an hour from Warsaw, Danushia and Jerzy. Although they had never met us, they totally opened their hearts to us, invited us to stay at their home and organized sessions, sound healing evenings and a weekend Sacred Union workshop. They met us at the airport with a beautiful white rose, which was still blooming after we left, even after two weeks.

Jerzy told us that he was woken in the night by Archangel Raphael who told him not to worry that all was being organized ….even the best translator!

Eva, a beautiful Polish woman living in London, who had already booked to come to Poland for another reason, became our expert and compassionate translator for us and also Kristopher who traveled with his partner from Oslo in Norway to attend our workshop. He has invited us to present our work in Oslo in 2016

We found the people in Poland so open hearted, humble and authentic. A beautiful participant kept turning up with bunches of flowers. The workshop was truly profound and lifted so much old energy and wounds from the participants and the land and together we sang in an exquisite Celestial City for Poland. Lots of laughter and hand signals to understand each other, as well as tears as profound healing releases occurred. We fell in love with everyone there! They are going to continue to meet in healing groups.

We have been invited back in 2016 to offer more of our work.

Glastonbury UK:

We stayed with our beautiful friend Amakelia, offering private sessions, sound healing evenings and a Sacred Union weekend. So strange to be facilitating without translators again! The work was deep and profound as people bought not only their own personal issues to heal but issues held in the land. Through working with the Christ codes we all sang in a 6 pointed star temple of male/female balance to offer Glastonbury and England. The next day on the top of the Tor, unplanned by us…. but definitely co-ordinated by Spirit…. we met with 2 other men and two women, and together we formed a 6 pointed star to sing the energy out through the grids. A precious experience was singing in the White Spring Grotto at Glastonbury and at the Tor and the Chalice Well Gardens. We have been invited back in 2016 to offer more of our work.

Tintagel Cornwall:

We were invited to join in a 3 day retreat – Activating the new Christ Blueprints through the multi-dimensional light portals of Cornwall organized by a beautiful couple Gai’Ama and Alexander.

So we completed our journey with 3 beautiful days in a beautiful Guest House on the cliffs overlooking the bay near Tintagel, with eleven of us all singing and offering and receiving healing on the sacred sites of Tintagel, Merlins Cave and St Nectan’s Glen. Such a gorgeous completion of our 10 week journey. We then traveled by train to Penzance, London and arriving home on the 23rd October.

As we travelled I kept hearing the phrase…the Christ Family is walking the Earth again sharing the wisdom and teachings. This consciousness was also seeded in Australia through Giant Christed Beings who taught through the Aboriginal cultures and those Spirit Beings often graced our workshops bringing a connection to the Christ Grids in Australia.

Throughout the whole journey we met with so many people, not only through our work, but others we met as we travelled, who have also been requested by Spirit to travel the Earth at this time. Since ancient times, through persecution and the inquisition, the Christ Family and the teachings were scattered all over the world, and now many light workers who carry the teachings seeded in other lands are giving them back and uniting again, joining the puzzle pieces together, meeting on Sacred Sites all over the world.

Through our journey Rama received several transmissions from Magdalene and Yeshua, and Lady Nada and Lord Sananda on the theme of Sacred Relationship which he relayed to the groups, offering a blueprint of a dynamic, nurturing, loving, creative and ‘frictionless’ relationship……sometimes challenging to live up to on the Earth plane, but providing an amazing potential to aspire to. Kaliana channeled a transmission from the Christ Family to activate the blueprints from the “Book of Love” – such a profound gift for us all.

Coming home we realized that we have spent almost all day, every day and all night together for 4 months, planning, presenting and travelling together. We even gave all our private sessions together!

Our love, respect and understanding of each other have deepened even further after 28 years. We love holding people in the energy of Love of the Divine Masculine and Feminine. We cannot express enough our profound gratitude to Spirit and all the wonderful people who supported our travels.

We hope that this inspires you to trust in the guidance that comes from Spirit …and the Spiritual Travel Agency which arranges all the minute details of where and when you are to meet with those involved in your spiritual journey!!!

We are bringing our Sacred Union Seminar and Sound Healing evening to Sydney in November.

More information here …

All our love and blessings..Kaliana and Rama.