
Thought for the Day – Thursday 7th May 2009

joyful-11What are some of the things you like to do that bring you joy ?

What stops you from feeling joyful ?

When we judge ourselves or have low self esteem it can stop the flow of joy that we feel and want to express.  Joy comes from our heart and divine spirit.  It is a blessing to yourself and to others to express your joy and share it openly.  Be like a little child and let your joy bubble up and shine through.  You will find that as you do people will want to be with you and share that energy.

Mother Teresa says : ” God is joy. Joy is prayer.  Joy is a sign of generosity.  When you are full of joy, you move faster and want to go about doing well for everyone.”

— Blessings and Gratitude,  Laurie Leah Levine