
Meditation – Page 4

AOL Bulletin – 26th August, 2015 – Shift into a New World

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us that Peace is within us. FYI – Creating a New World MATCHING OUR VIBRATION WITH OUR DESIRED REALITY In order to start making choices that are more in alignment with the timeline we wish to occupy, we must focus on the one thing… our vibration. […]

AOL Bulletin – 29th July 2015 – You Can Be Free.

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us of what freedom is. FYI  –  FREE FROM THOUGHT Meditation on Freedom Freedom – Most people think freedom is the ability to come and go as I please. But true freedom means I can go beyond the stories of my daily life, beyond the illusions […]

AOL Bulletin – 1st October 2014 – Joy To You & Me

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to make room for Joy FYI – It’s All About Joy Creating a Pearl Necklace Joy arises in the body spontaneously – when you see a young baby smile, an eagle flying overhead, a rainbow; a myriad of things bring joy to the surface.  A […]

AOL Bulletin – 7th May 2014 – May Mindfulness

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to meditate. FYI – Proof Meditation Works We believe that daily meditation is essential even if it only for 10 minutes.  Don’t take our word for it, watch this short scientific research report from BBC News Scans ‘show mindfulness meditation brain boost’ (click here) on […]

AOL Bulletin – 30 April 2014 – Let Love Flow

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to be Love. FYI – Gratitude Will Get You Everywhere! What a Wonderful World – David Attenborough This is a 2 minute inspirational exercise from Sir David Attenborough reminding us to stop and look at the beauty that is around us.  In doing this, it […]