
Meditation – Page 2

AOL Bulletin – 22nd February, 2017 – New Frequencies

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to connect heart and mind F.Y.I.  Changing Times On 1/31/2017, for the first time in recorded history, the Schumann Resonance has reached frequencies of 36+. This is a big deal. In 2014, it was considered anomalous for the frequency to have risen from it’s usual […]

AOL Bulletin – 9th November, 2016 – Be The Light

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to talk to our cells. F.Y.I. –  You Can Make a Difference Your Cells Are Listening When the time is right for new information to be given to the masses, it is amazing to me, how many forms that takes.  When I first did Divine […]

AOL Bulletin – 5th October 2016 – Opening To The New

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to be open to a new way of thinking. F.Y.I. – No Limitations With A New Way Of Thinking Meditation Innovation There are some amazing innovations happening all around us.  People looking for other ways of doing things.  Breaking traditions.  We were so glad to […]

AOL Bulletin – 28th September 2016 – Ascending Together

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to clear the base and sacral chakras. F.Y.I. – Increasing Awareness Raising Your Vibrational Frequency The most beautiful video to support your ascension process. Raising the vibrational frequencies of all you lower bodies into a unifield love-light field.   This. Nancy Valentine Smith said is […]

AOL Bulletin – 27th July 2016 – Shift and Balance

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to ‘mind our own business’ F.Y.I. – IT’S TIME THE LION’S GATE 2016 AND THE “MASTER CYCLE” “A New Cycle of Time and Creation”. On the 26th of July, you will enter into the Planetary New Year.  This is the Time celebrated by the Ancient […]