

AOL Bulletin – 8th April 2015 – Let Your Imagination Flow

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind to practise manifesting. FYI –  The Secret Prayer It’s a short week this week so we are just giving you one fun thing to do. Practise this and expect Miracles! Dr. Joe Vitale guides you through the three steps of The Secret Prayer. A short visualisation […]

Manifesting You! by Juliet Martine

All too often we get caught up in the thinking that ‘When I just get the relationship I want,’ or ‘When I get more clients,’ or ‘When I have more money in the bank,’ then I’ll be able to feel good about myself and stand tall in the fullness of who I am. And so […]

AOL Bulletin – 15th October 2014 – Relax and Heal

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to relax FYI -Is About You The Body Has The Ability To Heal Itself An interesting talk from a medical Doctor.  In this 18.5 minute TedX talk with Lissa Rankin, MD titled Is there scientific proof we can heal ourselves? she says yes.  Similtaneously you […]

AOL Bulletin – 30th July 2014 – You Are Not Alone

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to check your frequency. FYI – What Are The Possibilities? It’s Crop Circle Season There are some amazing crop circles appearing at the moment and some enterprising being has created a video of one.  It is so intricate and is great to see from all […]

AOL Bulletin – 21st May 2014 – The M Factor

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to be magical! FYI – The Power of a Sound – MMM  2014 – THE MAGIC OF M! At the beginning of the year, Barry Eaton, author of No Goodbyes, said that he meditated deeply on what 2014 would bring.  He was given a strong […]