

On Fairies and Following Your Heart

with Maggie Hamilton Sometimes the call to follow our heart comes left of field. For me it began with a love of fairies, a deep abiding love that sat with me quietly for years, waiting to be activated. It helped that for the first few years of my life in England I was surrounded by […]

AOL Bulletin – 9th December, 2015 – Dream A Little

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to find the gift. FYI – Rose Union December Energies December is going to come in and go out very quickly. We are required to balance ourselves in each moment, in every day. Many of you are continuously going through major changes within yourselves and […]

AOL Bulletin – 2nd December, 2015 – A New Reality

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to expand our consciousness. FYI – Look again Liquid Rainbow A miracle in nature. It is the only Rainbow River in the world – a liquid rainbow.  The river of 5 colours is well worth a viewing!  Click here. Nancy Valentine Smith in her talk […]

AOL Bulletin – 29th April 2015 – Laugh & Light Up!

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to laugh more. FYI -Shifting Your Consciousness Can Be Fun Laughter is the Key The energy of laughing is so transformative.  It’s also contagious!  We found a wonderful YouTube this week that has been around for a while but epitomises just that.  Laughing Quadruplet Babies!  fills […]

AOL Bulletin – 22nd April 2015 – Be Openhearted

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind to Serve with a Full Heart. FYI – In Anothers Shoes Why Aren’t We All Good Samaritans? Daniel Goleman has some interesting observations of how good people have often simply ‘switched off’ and are oblivious to other’s needs and what is going on around them.   How […]