

AOL Bulletin – 15th March, 2017 – Living It

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to ground yourself each day F.Y.I. – Making It Real The Friendship That Built a Forest These two men in China show us that no obstacle is a match for the bond of friendship. Jia Haixia and Jia Wenqi have singlehandedly breathed life into eight […]

AOL Bulletin – 21st September 2016 – Ground, It’s the Key

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to put our feet on the Earth. F.Y.I. – Ground the New Energies Strong Grounding Imagine if every child started their life learning how to create a strong belief in self. What a different world we would live in. Mirror work has been widely promoted […]

AOL Bulletin – 18th November, 2015 – Compassion is The Answer

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to find compassion. FYI – The Task Ahead Peace is, the manifestation of Human Compassion…..Dalai Lama. When 9/11 happened it was difficult to think that there could have been a gift in this dreadful disaster but in reality there was.  The gift was the outpouring […]