

AOL Bulletin : 2nd May 2018

In and Around the Academy with Debbie Schutz Welcome to May everybody. Isn’t the year just flying! I’m hoping you all survived the turbulent energies of the Scorpio full moon on Monday night. It was one of the most powerful Full Moons of the year! Thank you to all that attended Julia Smiths meditation and […]

AOL Bulletin – 31st May 2017 – Love and Compassion

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to Bless the Earth and your community. F.Y.I. The True Meaning of Compassion with Joan Halifax A MUST WATCH! The Dalai Lama says that Love and Compassion are necessities without them humanity cannot survive. Compassion takes us out of ourselves.  It helps us realise that […]

AOL Bulletin – 5th April, 2017 – Creating New Habits

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to be more conscious F.Y.I. – Tiny Habits The Programmable Mind Dr. Bruce Lipton says that 95% of the day we are in our programme.   That means we are only conscious 5% of the day!  He also says that 70% of our programmes are limiting, […]

AOL Bulletin – 28th September 2016 – Ascending Together

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to clear the base and sacral chakras. F.Y.I. – Increasing Awareness Raising Your Vibrational Frequency The most beautiful video to support your ascension process. Raising the vibrational frequencies of all you lower bodies into a unifield love-light field.   This. Nancy Valentine Smith said is […]

AOL Bulletin – 19th November 2014 – Gaining a New Perspective

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you the choice is yours. FYI – Do You Know Your Soul Family? Judith Kusel has written a wonderful post on her site titled ‘The pulling together of core groups within certain soul groups for the next phase: 2014 -2024‘.  It’s insightful and inspiring.  Here is an […]