

AOL Bulletin – 5th April, 2017 – Creating New Habits

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to be more conscious F.Y.I. – Tiny Habits The Programmable Mind Dr. Bruce Lipton says that 95% of the day we are in our programme.   That means we are only conscious 5% of the day!  He also says that 70% of our programmes are limiting, […]

AOL Bulletin – 5th November 2014 – Appreciate to Appreciate

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to go beyond Gratitude. FYI – Stop, Look & Listen Listen Consciously To Live Fully Julian Treasure’s passion (and mission) is listening.  He believes we are loosing the ability to do it effectively.  He recommends it be taught at school and if introduced he estimates […]