
coconut oil

AOL Bulletin – 10th May 2017 – Being Psychic

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to use your sense-abilities F.Y.I.  Psychic, Intuitive, Medium: What’s the Difference? As we browse the Internet, metaphysical bookstores and listings for spiritual advisers, we get confronted with many terms explaining spiritual advisory work. Many people lump them all into the same category and some people […]

AOL Bulletin – 19th October 2016 – Intuitive Strength

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to listen to our knowings. F.Y.I. – Tips & Tricks To Get You Through October Mid-Month Forecast This is an excellent short video from Natalie Pescetti,, for all those who love numerology. Only 4minute 44 seconds long (don’t you love those numbers) in which […]