

AOL Bulletin – 20th July 2016 – Heartfelt Focus

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to use our Wisdom and Compassion F.Y.I.  –  Be Amazed! Deep Astromony-The Hubble Ultra Deep Field in 3D A wonderful watch!!! Here is a Youtube that puts our problems into perspective … be enthralled, only 4.15mins long and over 8 million viewers. Wait to near […]

AOL Bulletin – 13th July, 2016 – Embracing Life

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to embrace life F.Y.I. – Connecting   This video was only released last month and is already going viral.  It is a must watch.  Have a tissue handy – it is so true. But the wonderful thing is that we can always change our ending.  […]