
Whats on at Jacaranda Haven


Jacaranda Haven Spiritual Retreat

Jacaranda Haven – 409 Avalon Road,  Dyers Crossing, NSW. (30 mins from Taree).

Telephone number: (02) 6550 2169

For Directions Click Here



Thank you to all the people who turned up for Open Day.  We had John playing his gongs and Jessica Cowley-Martin brought her enchanting crystal bowls with Soul Colour as the main topic.  People learned what was limiting them and what colour they needed to move forward.

2008johngongandpeoplejacarandahaven-21sep08-020It was such a delightful day that we have asked Narelle Green to come back.



It was decided to build a Labyrinth made out of Lavender on the property.    A classic 7 path Labyrinth, the design of which has been traced back 1,000 to 2,000 years  BC on pottery fragments was agreed upon. A group of people together with Rosie Keller, a Sri Jayanara devotee, came and blessed the area with sacred water, rice and rose petals after burying a large clear quartz crystal to energise and benefit all those that come and walk it.

Progress to Date.

To stop Blade and Whisky grass and other weeds invading the space, John spent many hours cutting and pinning weed mat over the entire area.  Next 11 cubic metres of Bago Gold gravel was spread out.  Cutting the holes was a little tricky as  so a special instrument was used and so far 66 Lavender plants are in.  It is hoped it will be ready for Walking on the 21st May.
