
Silence of Peace Vol 1 – John B Levine


The music has had an extraordinary genesis (see John’s biography). Levine has vast experience as a composer and as a teacher of meditation. He has always believed that music has a powerful effect on the brain and can be “designed” to induce specific positive changes in mood and behaviour.
“Silence of Peace” is the first in the “Silence” series of CDs, all of which demonstrate this philosophy. Children are often especially responsive to “Silence of Peace”. Children as young as 3 often go into a quiet, even entranced state when they listen to it and children of all ages find this music relaxes them and gives them easy access to their imagination.
Older students enjoy using this music as a study aid, insisting that “Silence of Peace” quiets the mind and makes it easier to focus, absorb and retain information.

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“Silence of Peace” comprises relaxing piano music by John Levine. This is the CD that made 3 budgies fall asleep in day light!
Use this music and quickly enter a more relaxed and peaceful state of mind. Composer and pianist, John Levine, based this work on the centuries-old use of pentatonic and lydian scales. Musical tension builds up slowly and nobly with no rush or rough discords. The “spherical” sounds will bring you to alpha state within 4 minutes. To understand the importance of alpha, read About Brain Waves and the effects of different brainwave states