
Live the Life You Long For – Annie Evans


Live the Life you long for touches on the very source of where energy comes from, the different forms it takes, and how in every second of our lives we are living out an energetic experience of our own making!

Through various case studies, Annie opens a doorway into a depth of insight by giving a refreshing view on how simple it is to understand the impact of energy and the practical applications in our daily lives. This powerfully motivating book will show you easy it really is to Live the Life you long for.

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Live the Life you long for will change the way you think about yourself, family, friends, work and life. In this inspiring book, Annie Evans reveals how recognising your own energy can lead to happiness, health and self-empowered, positive living.

Annie shares her own personal journey, including how she survived her battle with life threatening illness. As a specialist in the field of Energetic Healing, Annie tells her story with self-effacing honesty and humour, while demonstrating how understanding energy can heal personal relationships and transform your life.