
Green Energy Spray


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COLOUR: The energy of Green assists us to find new directions, space, balance and growth in life. Assists us to set boundaries and develops discernment in relationships. Green assists to detoxify and purify gross and subtle energies of body, mind and spirit. Conscious use of Green assists in revealing the truth. The vibration of Green assists to purify and detoxify negative thoughts and feelings through our intelligent feeling body, thus expanding the mind and our ability to experience pure and honest feelings.

Green is the vibration of harmony, healing, truth, feelings and normality. Green is a powerhouse of healing energies: sustains new and healthy growth, healing on all levels, cleansing and clearing, trust, space, new direction and new beginnings all belong to the intelligence of the Green ray. Green will restore, rejuvenate and regenerate all systems within the physical body and light bodies of the Aura.

Green clears and balances all systems in the body, most of our physical and psychological illnesses result from energy that has been trapped or blocked in our system, from events and conditions relating to our past. The energy of Green clears and restores any malformed energy that may have been miscreated, and now lays dormant or toxic in your energy field. Green is a restorative tonic; use liberally and regularly to take care of your health. The soothing energy of Green is gentle and uplifting. Green cools, comforts, and nurtures on all levels.

FRAGRANCE:  Working with the Green spray brings a sense of comfort and nurturing to your being, the notes of lime and green apple give a sense of space and rejuvenation.

SIZES:  Soul Colour sprays are available in two convenient sizes the everyday 50ml or the 30ml handbag size. Instructions for use included.


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30 ml, 50 ml

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