
Chakra Essence – Navel


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Vibrational essences made from flowers and gems have been used for healing since ancient times, to restore wholeness and balance and are once again gaining respect for the assistance they offer in addressing emotional, spiritual and physical well being.

The wonderful work of Doctor Edward Bach has done much to assist in their renewed recognition and use. His work laid a foundation for all the essences that are being made now to meet the evolving needs of humanity in these amazing times of transformation we live in.

The Rose of Raphael essences can shift energy blockages that hold unresolved trauma bringing emotions to the surface in order to transform and heal. These blockages can cause stress and disease in your life. As the healing occurs you can create new possibilities in your life, so be gentle and patient with yourself and allow the feelings to surface and heal as you embrace all aspects of yourself into wholeness.

The healing properties of the essences are perfectly safe with no harmful side effects; they are self-adjusting and only what is needed will be absorbed by the individual taking them. They can be used in conjunction with other healing modalities.

Essences assist the mind, soul and spirit to heal negative beliefs, emotions and states of mind, stimulating the body’s ability to heal itself. Vibrational essences can play an important role in the evolvement of the DNA structure as they hold blueprints of wholeness. By taking the essences or using the energy pattern you can begin to align to this blueprint from within.

The healing properties of the essences work on a deep cellular level affecting the whole individual, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Through a connection to your Higher Self and life purpose they assist in healing the underlying emotional issues that block the flow of your life.