
Archangel Gabriel – John B Levine


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Embodying purity Gabriel is the messenger angel. Responsible for communication she helps us to find our true calling, offering guidance and an understanding of your life’s purpose. If there are changes ahead like a house move or major purchase, changing career or considering starting a family, or you are even struggling with finding any meaning to your life at all and considering ending it, Gabriel offers direction. Ask for guidance.

Gabriel can bring messages to you just as she did to the Virgin Mary. Gabriel is also credited with inspiring Joan of Arc and for dictating the Koran to Mohamed. Contact Gabriel if your third eye is closed and your spiritual vision blocked, if you wish to receive angelic guidance regarding the direction you are going in, if you need help in interpreting your dreams and visions. Gabriel can be asked cleanse and purify which may need to be done to make way for necessary changes. Call on Gabriel if your body is full of toxins and needs purifying, if your emotions need clearing, if your thoughts are negative and need transforming, if you have been assaulted and feel dirty, if your home or work environment feels negative, if you have absorbed someone else’s problems. She is the angel of the west and governs the element of water.

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