
Secrets of Aboriginal Healing – Dr Gary and Robbie Holz


At the tribe’s request, Dr. Holz relates the step-by-step process that helped him affect this miraculous recovery, revealing these ancient healing techniques to the Western world for the first time.

Through their simple and clear explanations, the Aboriginal healers teach Dr. Holz that to get well and stay well, you have to transform disease from the inside out. That like a dandelion, unless the root is pulled out, the weed continues to thrive.

Presented with startling honesty and humor, this easy-to-read guide is a powerful tool for achieving wellness in body, mind and spirit.

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In this award-winning true story a pragmatic and successful physicist, Dr. Gary Holz, travels to a remote village in the Australian Outback seeking healing from Aboriginal healers for his progressive MS. He arrives feeling helpless in the face of his diesase and hardly able to roll his wheelchair. He leaves a master of his own life, having returned feeling to his once-numb body.