
pureHEART Mysts

6 Master Flower Angel Frequencies

pureHEART brings: Plant-Spirit Wisdom and Divine Soul Signatures with Blueprint messages ~ in Sacred Alchemic water and Synergistic oils.  All Essences are Geometrically Balanced with Sound-Light-Love, and Cradles in Mysting Vessels of Elegance.

Your Resonant Harmonic Cells Blossom in Fragrant Radiance, through the Angelic electromagnetic Auric Field ~ becoming Entrained in Exquisite Beauty, & the recognition of Joyful Liberation felt by Higher-Self Knowing.

Attuned to Natures Sacred Rhythums each Essence Elevates Mind, Mood & Heart, shifting your Conscious connection ~ Enhancing Functionality in Daily Life & Aligning you to Your Soul-Purpose Expression.