
Nice Collection of Yoga, Diet, Health & Law of Attraction Articles

Self-Help & Spirituality Blog Articles

Meditation, Yoga & Spiritual Growth Carnival

Welcome to the 27th edition of the Meditation, Yoga and Spiritual Growth carnival.

Below you will find a nice collection of articles from around the spiritual and self-help blogsphere.  There are also 4 articles that stood out and you will find them in the Featured Articles section below.  There are lots of great articles on meditation, yoga, weight loss, brain power, diet, cleansing, law of attraction, money, health and much much more.

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Please link back to this carnival from your Blog, as well as submit the carnival to your favorite social bookmarking sites (Stumble Upon is preferred).  More link love the better for everyone :-).

Featured Articles:

Better than the story in this entry, are Chris’s comments and analysis…

Chris Cade presents Digging a Way Out – Spiritual Story and Reflection posted at Spiritual Stories Blog, saying, "Sometimes the "shortest" distance between two points is the long way around. Discussion of this humorously painful short story illuminates that concept in a very real and tangible way."

A deeper look at yoga…

Ray Baskerville presents Yoga Isn’t Stretching posted at Life Divine – Yoga – Meditation – Spirituality – Personal Development

2012…. getting closer…

Akemi Gaines presents Soul Shifting And the Light Ascension Of Maybe 2012 posted at Yes to Me.

Money Money Money….

Piotr Stepien presents Money Free World posted at we overstep, saying, "It is good to have money but it is better not to have it at all. Surprised? Read the whole story before you choose your next occupation." 


Nilendu Bhattacharya presents Get rid of Common Cold and Sinusitis problem through Jal Neti posted at Health Through Yoga and Related Practices., saying, "This article is on Jal Neti, the nasal cleaning technique in Yoga which is helpful in problems of Common Cold, Sinusitis and Migraine"


Simona Rich presents Kundalini Energy posted at Personal Development Blog, saying, "It is important to understand this kind of energy for everyone who meditates. This is because if you start experiencing something unusual and do not know how to even call your experience, it will be hard to get help and advice."

Spiritual Growth

axel g presents True Spiritual Wisdom posted at axel g.

Andy presents How our Horoscope can affect our personalities posted at Free Love Horoscope, saying, "Since ancient times, Astrology has always intrigued man greatly. It is the unreleasable thirst that man has to know more about his self and what the future has in store for him, that justifies the development of this science. Many do not wish to alter their lifestyle or daily behavior due to predictions made about their life, calling it a supernatural hoax or superstition. But millions of people prefer to start their day, knowing how to and what to do every single day, even to the extent of what color clothes to wear."

Daylle Deanna Schwartz presents Law of Attraction in Action: Step-by-Step posted at Lessons from a Recovering DoorMat, saying, "For the Law of Attraction to work well, you need to develop trust that it will. Slowly building it– step by step–works best."

Nicholas Powiull presents Nobody Understands Me, There is NO Hope for Tomorrow, Nobody Knows the Real Me, & I Am All Alone posted at Conscious Flex, saying, "This is perhaps the most advanced spiritual growth article you will ever read – A Must Read indeed :)"

Dan O’Connor presents The 11 Forgotten Laws of Attraction and How I Use Them to Create My Reality posted at beingpad, saying, "Spiritual growth based on the popular book The Secret still takes a long-term commitment in order to see results."

Health and Wellbeing

Aparna presents Puff out puffy eyes posted at Beauty and Personality Grooming, saying, "A lot of people get puffy eyes during different phases of their lives. A teenager can wake up with puffy eyes after strenuous hours of studying overnight, an adult due to water retention, too much salt in the diet, improper sleep, consumption of excess liquor, certain medications or improper ventilation. Allergies, skin disorders like dermatitis are also common causes of puffy eyes. Other causes include Blepharitis, eyelid edema, swollen eyelid, glaucoma, conjunctivitis, corneal ulcers and sinusitis. Dust or other irritants could also cause flare-ups that swell the eyes. Stress can also cause problems with your eyes."

Piotr Stepien presents Go Vegan For The Heaven Sake posted at we overstep, saying, "Go vegan and save planetary resources and cleanse the planet in a most effective way possible. Earth is able to feed seven times over the entire human population with vegan food. Learn about most eco-friendly way of living."

Astrid Lee presents Absolute Rose Aromatherapy Oil Recipe posted at World Healing, saying, "This article offers a number of recipes for both men and women on how to apply rose oil to realize the wonderful benefits of rose oil: aphrodisiac, anti-depressant, balancing, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and astringent."

Personal Development

Alvaro Fernandez presents Learning about Learning: an Interview with Joshua Waitzkin posted at SharpBrains, saying, "Enjoy a human brain in full display."

Broderick Allen presents No Need to Defend Your Point of View posted at Broderick Allen – Personal Growth and Enjoying Life’s Journey.

Chris Edgar presents Inner Productivity, Part III: Listening To Ourselves posted at Purpose Power Coaching, saying, "In this post, I’ll talk about a new perspective we can take on the thoughts and feelings that tend to disrupt our work. As I say here, we can actually learn to see them as a form of valuable inner wisdom."

Piotr Stepien presents Be Mass Media Free posted at we overstep, saying, "Improve your awareness and mental health. Stop addiction to news, television shows and any low level mass media. Be mass media free and turn your time into something productive."

New Age

korprit zombie presents Real Clairvoyant Psychic Readings By Phone | Free Telephone Psychic Readings posted at Free Phone Psychic Readings.


Joel Gray presents Discovers How To Cleanse Yourself With Birch Tea posted at Health Tips 101.

Katy presents Pregnancy and Asthma – What to Expect posted at Katy Meets World, saying, "It is possible to have a healthy pregnancy even if you have asthma; however, you must take extra precautions to keep your asthma under control during this time"

Ross presents Why I Love Essential Fatty Acids (and how fats make you slim!) posted at Energise for Life, saying, "Fat is the most important thing in my diet. I love it. Making sure I eat plenty of fat is my primary health goal every day. In fact, the one supplement I will never go without is a high quality fat supplement. WHY? There are so many reasons, so read on and I will give you the highlights. I promise that by the end of this article your opinion on fats will have changed and you will be hunting down some quality fat supplements of your own!"

Brain Blogger presents Is Sugar the New Cocaine? posted at Brain Blogger, saying, "Refined sugars have only relatively recently appeared in the diets of most people. Regulatory pathways that balance calorie intake and energy expenditure and reward pathways help the body regulate ingestion of these sweeteners, as well as other foods."

Will Edwards presents Parents, Don’t Let Your Kids Be Drugged posted at Health and Wellness, saying, "At one time it was perfectly legal for school children to be drugged with psychoactive mind-altering drugs as a condition to attend school."

Andy presents Stop Stress Eating posted at How To Stop Eating – Stop Binge Eating, saying, "Notice how on stressful days the temptation to eat a lot of food is very strong? Maybe you find yourself reaching for comfort foods and junk foods… Becoming aware of stress eating or eating due to stress is important. One way to deal with stress eating is to deal with the stressful events or circumstances in your life…"

Brain Blogger presents A Primer on Acupuncture posted at Brain Blogger, saying, "Traditional acupuncture is an ancient chinese art which was passed down from master to apprentice for over 4,000 years, based on anecdotal evidence, trial and error, and an Eastern philosophy of the universe."

Will Edwards presents The Best Ideas to Cure Asthma posted at Health and Wellness, saying, "Asthma is becoming an increasing problem in the United States. The number of asthma patients has doubled from 1982 to 1998. In 2001, 20 million Americans have asthma and the condition cost the U.S. $14 billion annually."

Andy presents The Inner Game of Weight Loss posted at Personal Hack, saying, "Often when one wants to lose weight they focus on how to eat right and exercise more. While both are necessary to lose weight, they are the outer game of weight loss. There is a whole other aspect which is the inner game of weight loss. This aspect is often neglected and I believe it’s the reason most people never lose weight and keep it off."

Margaret Garcia presents The Top 50 Philosophy Blogs posted at Web Design Schools Guide.

Tami Blodgett presents FAMILY MATTERS the Soul of a Family posted at Online Wellness: A Safe Haven, saying, "Catherine VanWetter, MSW, will introduce you to a different way of looking at inherent problems and solutions within family systems. Online Wellness Association provides a safe platform for online practitioners and clients. 

Emmanuel presents YOGA: THE OCCULT posted at Divine Magic, saying, "The occult reveal that yoga is a potentially profound occult practice. Yoga is designed to awaken occult energies in the body, to lead to occult transformation, and to secure specific occult goals.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of meditation, yoga and spiritual growth carnival using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

Related Articles at Mastery of Meditation, Kundalini Yoga and Zen: