
Mon 11th Sep – AGM & Meet the New Committee

We are very pleased to announce that we have a new Committee of talented and dedicated souls – some new, some familiar – who have stepped up to assist in the running of AOL.  Next Mon 11th September we will be holding the AGM, where the main item will be to formally appoint the new Committee and introduce them to you.  We would love you to come and welcome them and get to know them better.  Below are the Offices and profiles of the Committee. If there are any other items you would like raised at the AGM, please email them to
Debbie will also be leading us in a special meditation at the start of meeting.   As a welcome incentive there is no charge for this meeting, so look forward to seeing you.
There will not be a meeting the 18 Sep to allow the new Committee to get their feet under the table.  Stay tuned for updates on the website and Facebook for what will be coming up after that.

PRESIDENT – Deborah Fairfull
Deborah Fairfull

Deborah is committed to the ongoing improvement of the world we live in and believes in the power of each individual. Her simple, succinct and practical approach to raising the awareness allows people to connect to true peace and happiness. For that reason, she founded Blisspot, an online community transforming everyday lives through encouragement, sharing, education, inspiration and connection in our world today.
Deborah Fairfull has has written the eCourses: Bliss Every Day, Love Now and Glow while you Grow. She is a trained kinesiologist with a background in counselling and psychology. She is also a passionate entrepreneur and was the founder of award winning businesses Brave Design Group and Eatsmart Food. Deborah was the winner of the ACT Business Women of the Year Award and the ACT Chief Minister’s Award for Innovation.
Along with being a skilful businesswoman and enthusiastic kinesiologist, speaker, and author, Deborah is also a devoted to her family. Her husband and three young children are great teachers and a great source of inspiration in her life. As a result she is passionate about creating relationships and raising children in a positive and conscious way.

VICE-PRESIDENT – Robby McAlister

Robby McAlister

Some years ago, I was the facilitator of a meditation circle that had a keen and growing following. Family matters took precedence and I closed that chapter. I would now like to rekindle that interest and found myself at AOL.  I get ideas, thoughts and have imagination and sometimes I dream. I do not seek significance and am open to suggestions from surrounding sources. I am often blessed with coincidence or luck and I am always grateful. Love is a force, an energy, an outcome we all quest in this wakened life. I have parried with it and its alternatives for almost half a century. It would be easy if there was a single description of that four letter term.
I am a service manager for a company that supplies mine processing equipment worldwide. I spend half my time away from Sydney and the other half on the northern beaches, and I own several motorcycles.

TREASURER – Paulien Gort

Paulien GortPaulien Gort is a Sound Healer, ThetaHealer and Family Constellations facilitator at White Raven Healing in North Narrabeen. She runs regular Sound Baths in the Northern beaches and the city and facilitates regular Family Constellations workshops. Her wish is to support children and young adults with Sound Healing making it easier for them to navigate these changing times. She offers special Sound Baths for this age group in her healing practice or at other locations.

She has 25 years of experience in finances and has been a member on different Committee’s in the arts in the Netherlands as well as in Australia. Some of those positions were in the role of Treasurer, like for the Energetic Healing Association. Throughout her life she has always combined finances, the Arts, spirituality and healing. She has been coming to the AOL for about ten years and has been part of the Sound Events since this year. She is really excited to be part of continuing the AOL, building on this special spiritual community where people can come and bath themselves in high vibrations, and the wonder of the energetic and spiritual world.

SECRETARY – Debbie Schutz

Debbie Schutz

I am a Crystal & Energetic Healer & owner of Anchor Your Soul, also a psychic intuitive and a Tesla Metamorphasis practitioner.
I have always loved spending time in nature connecting with the land and have had an interest in crystals, quantum physics and all things metaphysical most of my life.
My soul purpose is to assist people in raising their vibration so we may raise the vibration of the Earth.
I have been part of AOL for a year and a half and love the community here. I am passionate about carrying forward on the foundations that Rosemary Butterworth created and expanding AOL to reach, teach and educate a larger demographic and spiritual community.
I look forward to working, meeting and connecting with everyone within the AOL fam.



Jax SmithKeen supporter of the Academy of Light for over 8 years, offering Flower Ceremonies & Prayers for the Earth on occasion as well as assisting at Community Events. I am also interested in Shamanic Sound, where I assist in Sacred Circles, allowing participants to explore their Worlds within. I have experienced a very broad range of Teachings from Elders in Peru, Africa & Australia and spent time at Sacred Sites worldwide.
I continue to be inspired by the many themes of Living Ancient Wisdom that our modern Science is finally catching up to – and how We in fact shape our own Reality. I live in daily wonderment of the Power, the Beauty & the Magic of Nature that supports the Evolution of Our Species as well as our Individual Journey.
I bring a broad range of skills & spiritual insights to assist the Committee through this transition to a new phase of Creative Expression whilst retaining the Essence of AOL, which is about Open Hearts, Inclusivity & Celebrating the Wisdom we all share.

:Please join us on Monday the 11th  of September at 7:30pm to meet and welcome the committee into their new roles.