
Important Life Lessons to Learn from Biggest Mistakes In Life Survey

Life Lessons

Life Coach

I am not sure about you, but I was quite curious about what the results of the survey from last week regarding Your Biggest Mistakes in Life would yield.  This survey received quite a bit of interest and I think the results teach us some very, very important life lessons.

Before I jump into my thoughts on these results, here they are below.  Since multiple answers were allowed for each participant, the percentages will not add up to 100%, but instead reflect the ration of that response to the total number of participants.

Biggest Mistakes in Life Results

Value Count Percent %
Delayed your spiritual practice 37 44.58%
Made bad financial decisions 30 36.14%
Did not follow your passion 28 33.73%
Took too few chances 24 28.92%
Did not take care of your health 23 27.71%
Chose wrong life partner 21 25.30%
Other 18 21.69%

Life Lessons to be Learned

From these results, we can see that the winner was "Delayed my Spiritual Practice," followed by, "Made bad financial decisions," then passion, risk, health, etc.  What jumps out to me is that I wonder how many of the other mistakes could have been avoided if we just had not made number one .

I feel, to a large degree, once you start your spiritual practice, you begin to tune into your real purpose in life, and it then guides you, helping you avoid other pitfalls and mistakes.  That being said, I really think the above mistakes should be a wake-up call to you if have not made them yet or are young and getting started.  

There are many articles on this website that actually go into each of these topics in significant detail and here are those links for you to reflect upon.

Procrastinating Spiritual Practice:

Golden Rule to Stop Making Excuses and Start Meditation Now

10 Keys for Turning Ideas Into Reality


Money Money Money and the Path to Enlightenment

Role of Money, Pleasure & Career in Spirituality


Stop the Madness of Self-Discipline


Osho Speaks on Courage

New Kundalini Yoga Classes & the Courage to Live Dangerously


Please take a look at the free online classes and the articles on Ayurveda

Free Online Yoga & Meditation Classes

Ayurveda Category


The True Purpose of Relationship

Final Word:

An important final word I do want to make, is that the purpose of this survey is to ensure you make thoughtful decisions and don’t rush into commitments that are then hard to get out of.  Of course, all challenges are learning opportunities for us, so technically there are no "mistakes" in life, but it is also up to us to live intelligently and try to do our very best always.  The results are, of course, always in the Lord’s hands. 

Related Articles at Mastery of Meditation, Kundalini Yoga and Zen: