
Expanding Awareness


About Dimensions

By Rosemary Butterworth

We usually think linearly.  There is yesterday, today and tomorrow.  We are born, grow old and die.  Time for us 3rd dimensional beings is in a straight line.  But then, we are told everything is here Now.  In truth, there is no time so they say, time is an illusion.  But how does that work.

When we think of the 3rd dimension, followed by the 4th, 5th etc., it seems right for us to think of the 4th being higher than the 3rd and the 5th being higher and we look to the heavens and imagine going up, up and still further upward.

We have experienced through such things as meditation and different modalities such as Theta Healing going to other planes of existence; other frequencies of consciousness and have had the experience of coming ‘down’ and grounding ourselves.  All this seems to confirm the ‘ladder’ principle.  It seems like there is one dimension on top of the other.

But what if it is true – all dimensions are here now.  What would that look like?  Would you literally leave one and ‘climb’ up to another?  Or could you expand your mind in some way and include all the dimensions here and now.

Recently I was walking our Labyrinth at Jacaranda Haven.  It is a very good place to fall quiet and listen to Spirit and here is what I was ‘told’.

Dimensions all exist now.  They can be described as concentric circles around you – each circle larger than the previous one.  Each circle operates on a different frequency. It is a different note or sound.

I immediately pictured myself surrounded by at least 6 circles.  I knew in that moment why I had been practicing mind expansion.  By feeling my feet on the ground and being present, allowing my awareness to go out as far as it could I could go into an altered state of consciousness – which is going into another reality.  This, of course, made sense to me as I have phone clients from overseas who ask me questions about their health and emotional state, and I simply ‘look’ at their body and feel what they are feeling and can advise them accordingly.  But of course, there is always further to go.

R.O.C. writes about the fairies he could not only see, but he could communicate with.  He simply was in tune with that dimension.  Don’t we all wish we could see fairies?  Perhaps it is simpler that we imagined.

Years ago I had the occasion to communicate with an 8 year old girl who had died 6 weeks previously.   I have always thought it was an incredible experience but hadn’t appreciated the insight into dimensions that she was giving me.

Her mother had heard that I was a medium and phoned me.  Understandably she was very distressed at the time but as the daughter was still around her, she was able to tell some things I couldn’t have possibly known which the mother verified.   (The departed always give me some information to prove that I am connecting to them).

So the mother made an appointment to see me.

The session was incredible.  The learning was for me because it seemed that whatever she told me, whatever she had me draw, she had told her mother before she died.  Her mother was very distressed and only needed comfort, the knowledge that her daughter was with the Angels.  She wasn’t interested in the discussion on dimensions.  But I was.  Very!

This is what she said…

She was born at 3.41am and so she said it was important that she died at 3.41am on a certain day or she couldn’t go back to the dimension from where she came.  She had developed Leukemia but the doctors had cured that and so she said she had to grow a tumor on her spine and she only had three weeks to do it.  But this she managed to do.

She asked me to draw 12 concentric circles and for me to imagine just one doorway in each circle.  Now, she said, the circles all turn at different speeds and the timing for all the doorways to line up like a corridor had to be exact.  It was only once in so many years or centuries would all the doorways line up.  At 3.41 all the doorways would line up like a corridor and she could pass through from the 3rd dimension to the 12th which was her home.

She told me that she was a crystalline being; a pure thought form; and had come down to the Earth at this time to experience what the Earth needed; what thought would be useful to project from the 12th dimension to assist the Earth in her transformation.

There is much to be experienced as we learn to practice expanding our Mind, but of course, first we need to clear out the ‘rubbish’.

Recommended viewing:  The Peaceful Warrior.