
The Power of Love

CofL Heart Wings Valentine Event

Friday, 13 February, 2015
7:30 pm - 10:00 pm

Location: Mosman Art Gallery & Community Centre-Great Hall

 This Friday nights Sacred Ceremony is very important in setting up and recharging your personal energies for 2015. We will be working with the Cosmic Supreme Love Sophia energy, together with the balancing Metatron energy, connecting these Cosmic Forces within the magnetic field of your heart. By fully opening the portal of your heart you begin to see love in everything and every way. Through this profound process we will guide you to connect to the power of theTrinity of Light, awakening the sound of the Universal Heart in the individual’s heart, with the heart of the Earth.  All working in perfect harmony sending a Wave of Love around the world and awaken JOY, COMPASSION & BLISS in the heart of our Global family.  During this powerful process will also be included the building of your Antakharana, Rainbow Bridge to your Soul – continuing to strengthen your divine connection and soul expansion; and our combined Group Love Energy will be assisting Earth.

Circle of Light

Circle of Light – Sacred Ceremonies

This Circle of Light Event is $30.  The Grand Hall is huge so there is plenty of room.  If you haven’t booked that ‘s OK –  just turn up!

Eventbrite - St Valentine’s Day – A Day to Celebrate Love