
Fortnightly Meditation and Inspirational Talks

Fortnightly Meditations and Inspirational Talks are held on every second Monday night and are a wonderful powerful opportunity for all of us to unwind, recharge, relax and rejuvenate. Come and feed your soul through restful meditation and be inspired by our gifted speakers.

Monday Nights are at Mosman Art Gallery & Community Centre

Everyone is welcome.

Reasons to gather as one:

The Academy’s focus is to help people become spiritually aware and to live consciously. Wisdoms are being remembered and practiced by its members. The Academy helps guide and provide food for the soul. Like minded people have a chance to come together, meditate, release tension and stress and listen to teachings from visiting speakers who have some particular insight to share.

We are a non-denominational organization focused on the spiritual growth and liberation of people searching for higher truth.

The intentions for these meetings is to create a space where you feel safe and where you can move forward along your spiritual path with support, love and non judgment. It is a space where you will learn to understand what your journey is about and where you will be encouraged to be the best you can be and find the your centre and be the love you are so that you may then live your life in peace and with joy. Whatever your journey or your desire, the Academy offers direction, guidance and inspiration.

Every second Monday night in Sydney we gather together and share our light, our laughter, our pain and we rejoice in our spiritual growth. We provide amazing teachers, from Australia and overseas, to share new ideas with you as we come together as one and we unite in love and light and support each other wherever we may be in that moment.

Imagine what we could create together if we became 10 times more conscious!

Hope to see you soon.

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