
Eating to prevent cancer

The following suggestions come from Reginald B. Cherry, M.D.

Approximately one person in five will die of cancer (roughly 1500 per day) but some estimates indicate up to 50% or 60% could be prevented with nutrition.

Research is focusing on several foods that can prevent cancer:

1. Tomatoes: The “redness” of tomatoes is due to lycopene, a powerful cancer preventive some researchers suggest may be stronger than beta carotene;  Watermelons also contain this powerful substance.

2. Citrus Fruits: Oranges in particular have shown strong anti-cancer benefits. Some 60 anti-cancer chemicals are contained in citrus fruits.

3. Garlic & Onions: Over 30 anti-cancer compounds are present in these substances. Consider dried garlic extract (capsules), taking the equivalent of one clove per day. Eat onions frequently.

4. Greens: The darker they are, the more the cancer fighting chemicals such as lutein, beta carotene, and carotenoids; spinach, lettuce (dark Romaine), broccoli are all good sources.

5. Soybeans: These contain strong anti-cancer compounds (protease inhibitors, saponins) that increase immune system function. Tofu, soy milk, and other soy products are excellent.

6. Tea: Tea in general (not herbal though) but especially “green tea’ (not available in supermarkets) has potent chemicals to suppress cancer development; drink 2-3 glasses (or cups) daily.

If you have cancer, consider the following foods and nutrition guidelines:

Decrease, if not eliminate, animal fats.

  • Avoid safflower, corn, peanut oil.
  • Get on more monosaturated fat (olive oil, Canola)
  • Increase you intake of the following:

1. Garlic: Can not only prevent cancer, but can directly fight cancer (ajoene chemicals) and can stimulate body’s defense mechanisms; one clove per day or capsules.

2. Fish Oil: Omega-3 fatty acids in cold water fish (cod, mackerel, herring) may decrease the size of cancerous tumors. Fish oil capsules may also be taken.

3. Beta Carotene: Can not only help prevent cancer, but show promise fighting cancer. Orange and yellow vegetables (sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, etc.) are god capsules (30mg. per day) as a supplement are suggested.

4. Cabbage, Broccoli: Potent cancer fighters, especially breast cancer; eat several portions daily.

5. Yogurt: Non-fat yogurt can help the body increase levels of cancer fighting chemicals: six to eight oz. daily.