
Your Health – Page 3

What is the Violet Flame

What is the Violet Flame? A Tool to rapidly free yourself from your karma… Although the Violet Flame can only be seen with your imagination –  it is real! The Violet Flame is made available to all on Earth through the office of the ascended master we know as Saint Germain, master of the seventh […]

Water for health

WATER – If you wait to feel thirsty before you drink water you are already dehydrated! The human body is about 75% water and 25% solid matter.  The brain is said to be 85% water and is extremely sensitive to any dehydration or depletion of its water content.  The brain is bathed constantly in salty […]

What is Leaky Gut Syndrome

WHAT IS LEAKY GUT SYNDROME By Dr. Judy Moss Do you suffer from fatigue, bloating or even autoimmune disease?  At a recent Monday Night gathering of The Academy, Drs. Judy Moss and Marissa Stevenson presented a fascinating insight into, what is said to be a poorly recognised ailment, called ‘Leaky Gut Syndrome and what can […]

Eating to prevent cancer

The following suggestions come from Reginald B. Cherry, M.D. Approximately one person in five will die of cancer (roughly 1500 per day) but some estimates indicate up to 50% or 60% could be prevented with nutrition. Research is focusing on several foods that can prevent cancer: 1. Tomatoes: The “redness” of tomatoes is due to lycopene, […]