
Your Health

The Importance of Rituals

Ritual is done to open the mind to the existence of other realms.  You only think of your world. The Ritual expands consciousness and establishes threads of connection. Thinking about YOU when in the NOW, it is still about you…. “YOU” don’t exist!! The more Rituals the more you are connected to all beings everywhere.  […]

Medicines of Light from the Hathors by Tom Kenyon

A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon Medicines of Light: Protection and Healing from Radiation Poisoning, Neurotoxins, Bacteria and Viruses. With the earthquake in New Zealand, followed by the earthquake in Japan, it is clear that you have entered a more complex phase of the Chaotic Node. We wish to impart a method for protection […]

Do You Want to be Lighter?

For those who are carrying a few extra kilo’s here are two great tips! Smile!!! – with every smile the chemicals in your body change.  Stress causes us to increase our physical bodies density (putting on weight) by creating negative chemicals.  When you smile say to yourself – ‘Fantastic, I’m getting lighter and lighter!’. Keep […]

When things go ‘Bump’.

There will always be ‘bumps’ in the road of  life.  They may be little, they may be big.  They may be on a physical, mental, emotional or spiritual level or a combination of these.  None  of this matters.  The first step is always the same – protect your heart.  When your heart is protected and […]

Fanning and Venting Sick Energy

To Help the Heart Fanning Since tension causes a lot of sick, negative emotional energy to condense in the chest, the heart can easily become jammed.  Some believe long term negative emotions such as hatred, impatience and arrogance directly effect heart conditions or are a major cause of heart attacks.  To protect yourself you can […]