
Thought of the Week – Page 99

Thought for the Day – Thursday 15th October 2009

Reincarnation doesn’t help you if in your next incarnation you still don’t know who you are. — Ekhart Tolle

Thought for the Day – Wednesday 14th October 2009

Love is having no agendas – no needs; Love is the essence of presence; Love found internally is eternally found; Love found externally is temporarily found – Amir Zoghi

Thought for the Day – Tuesday 13th October 2009

You must be willing to lose it all before you can have it all.  What does this mean? It means that until you can let go of everything, you will find it hard to hold onto anything.  Detachment is the key. If you are so attached to something that you are deeply unhappy without it, […]

Thought for the Day – Monday 12th October 2009

Actually, we have no problems – we have opportunities for which we should give thanks… An error we refuse to correct has many lives. It takes courage to face one’s own shortcomings and wisdom to do something about them… — Edgar Cayce “Sleeping Prophet”

Thought for the Day – Saturday 10th September 2009

The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in escaping from the old ones. — John Maynard Keynes