
Thought of the Week – Page 90

Thought for the Day – Wednesday 9th December 2009

The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches, but reveal to him his own. — Benjamin Disraeli

Thought for the Day – Tuesday 8th December 2009

Not a shred of evidence exists in favour of the idea that life is serious. — Brendan Gill

Thought for the Day – Monday 7th December 2009

On negative thinking : When someone is convinced that things can’t be done, he will cling to that conviction in the face of the most obvious contradiction.  At the time that Robert Fulton gave the first public demonstration of his steamboat, one of those “can’t be done fellows stood in the crowd along the shore […]

Thought for the Day – Sunday 6th December 2009

True enough, we all have obligations and duties towards our fellow men. But it does seem curious enough that in modern, neurotic society, men’s energies are consumed in making a living, and rarely living in living itself.  It takes a lot of courage for a man to declare, with clarity and simplicity, that the purpose […]

Thought for the Day – Saturday 5th December 2009

My mother, God bless her, taught me when I was little never to carry yesterday on my back.  It didn’t matter what had happened – yesterday was dead.  I remember her saying: ‘Theres nothing you can do about it now.  If you get into the habit of carrying yesterday around on your back, you’ll be […]