
Thought of the Week – Page 86

Thought for the Day

“Enthusiastic people are the ones who actually get things done in this world. Enthusiasm is what turns any idea into reality. And enthusiasm is linked closely with happiness.” “Your Personal Survival Guide To The 21st Century” by Roy Sheppard (1998)

Thought for the Day

What worked in the past was truly valuable  for the past; but don’t try to force what worked back then to work here and now. You have to allow this present moment to  offer you what is to be for now. – Amir Zoghi – ** Amir will be Guest Speaker at the Academy on the 18th […]

Thought for the Day

If you want to be happy … be -Leo Tolstoy

Thought for the Day

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. — Albert Einstein

Thought for the Day

Be on the lookout for opportunities to be a source of inspiration, just by being an example.  By demonstrating your own connection to Spirit, you inspire others, and you’ll feel inspiration flowing through you. — Wayne Dyer