
Newsletters – Page 9

AOL Bulletin : 1st July 2020 – Empower Yourself

Previous Event :Manifesting in 7 Steps – 7 Chakras with Anick Anick Patry, empowerment mentor and voice healer, gave the Academy powerful tools and practical tips on how to manifest easily, especially during these unusual times of social distancing and isolation.Becoming aware of how we are manifesting is essential during times of change – as […]

AOL Bulletin : Wednesday 17th June 2020 – Finding Our Feet

Previous Event : Psychosis or Spiritual Awakening with Charlotte Foote Charlotte Foot talked to Academy members about living with bipolar disorder and how her experiences helped to catapult her into a new career as a Counsellor and Life Coach. Charlotte experienced her first bout of psychosis when she was 21. It was triggered by a relationship […]

AOL Bulletin : 20th May 2020 – Changing the World Within

Previous Event : Message of Covid-19 with Ocha Paulien started the evening by playing her Sedna Gong as a meditation. The sound was beautiful.Ocha started talking about the Mamos of Columbia who are Spiritual leaders of Northern Columbia. They look after the Earth Portal, and they stay underground.What she learned from the Mamos was that […]

AOL Bulletin : 6th May 2020 – New Beginings

Previous event: Abundance Activation – Discover Your Life Purpose Abundance activator, life coach and author of Abundance 101, Jason Snaddon has a wealth of experience in creating abundance. He spoke to the Academy of Light members about why this is the ideal time to learn to create abundance in every aspect of your life.He explained that this quietened time is an opportunity to go within […]

AOL Bulletin : 15th April 2020 – Finding Inspiration

Previous event: Sacred Sound Bath On Facebook Live Paulien Gort and Matthew James teamed up again to create a unique sound healing experience in cyber space – as we launch into another week of lockdown in Australia.  We enjoyed listening to the magical healing sounds of Paulien’s alchemy crystal singing bowls, shamanic drum, gongs and […]