
Newsletters – Page 60

AOL News – 25 September 2013 – It’s Just “Stuff”…

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to keep clearing If you are having trouble viewing this email then Click here to view it online   FYI – Neutrality and Balance Emotional Clearing Technique – Judy Satori Another great clip by Judy Satori.  This is a very simple technique to ease emotional […]

AOL News – 18 September 2013 – Life is Sweet

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to enjoy the sweetness of life If you are having trouble viewing this email then Click here to view it online   FYI – Change of Perception KELLY McGONICAL – How to Make Stress Your Friend Stress. It makes your heart pound, your breathing quicken […]

AOL News – 11th September, 2013 – Expand, Be the Universe!

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to be aware of who You are! If you are having trouble viewing this email then Click here to view it online   FYI –  Stop, Pause & Listen How do I best serve? Achieve a Fulfilled and a meaningful life.  Every step, takes you […]

AOL News – 4th September, 2013 – Know Thyself!

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to Live in Love. If you are having trouble viewing this email then Click here to view it online   FYI –  What is True for You? FLUORIDE Fluoride in our drinking water is a hot topic at the moment.  Whole towns are objecting.  ‘Fluoride […]

AOL News – 28 August 2013 – Upgrade and be Free!

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to “be Wonder-Ful” If you are having trouble viewing this email then Click here to view it online   FYI – Upgrade Your Understanding 2013 – A New Earth This is a very informative, positive and uplifting clip from Judy Satori.  Judy has channelled this […]