
Newsletters – Page 53

AOL Bulletin – 11th June 2014 – Accept, Allow, Awaken

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to be still and listen. FYI – Triple A’s   Dr. Jacob Liberman – Stop Looking, Start Seeing We have just located a wonderful TEDx from 2012 with Dr. Jacob Liberman.  The 20minute talk in Maui went into many interesting observations & understandings from Dr. […]

AOL Bulletin – 4th June, 2014 – Smile, It’s Contagious!

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to be aware of the effect you have on others. FYI – Smile the Cosmic Current Yogananda’s Message YOGANANDA says: “There are many things to talk about on the subject of healing. The main idea is that we should depend more on mind power, which […]

AOL Bulletin – 28th May 2014 – Love In Action

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to be of service. FYI – Love Is Everywhere  Download Your FREE Gift of Sound!!! Every Sound Night is so different and Monday’s was no exception. We had a quartet of fantastic musicians. Four wonderful people interwove their loving music into a form that relaxed, […]

AOL Bulletin – 21st May 2014 – The M Factor

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to be magical! FYI – The Power of a Sound – MMM  2014 – THE MAGIC OF M! At the beginning of the year, Barry Eaton, author of No Goodbyes, said that he meditated deeply on what 2014 would bring.  He was given a strong […]

AOL Bulletin – 14th May 2014 – The Pearl Within

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to notice your value. FYI – The Key is Within You  The Key to Finding Happiness Within Mojgan Rady recommends forgiveness of our thoughts, emotions and self as the key to finding happiness.  If we are not happy then tune into your emotions and thoughts.  […]