
Newsletters – Page 48

AOL Bulletin – 3rd December 2014 – Food For The Soul

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to feed yourSelf. FYI –  The Big Picture A Christmas Forecast The planets dance in mystical, magical performance this Christmas. Swirling Dervishes come to mind.  Four planets collide in Capricorn on Christmas day, making for interesting cosmic energy. Always the Sun is in Capricorn on […]

AOL Bulletin – 26th November 2014 – Transformation

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to take action. FYI – Take Action & Be Transformed Transforming the World With Colour Jodie Williams, Nobel Laureate, quoted the Dalai Lama who said “Change only takes place through action, not through meditation and prayer alone.”  This TED talk is action in full flight.  Titled […]

AOL Bulletin – 19th November 2014 – Gaining a New Perspective

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you the choice is yours. FYI – Do You Know Your Soul Family? Judith Kusel has written a wonderful post on her site titled ‘The pulling together of core groups within certain soul groups for the next phase: 2014 -2024‘.  It’s insightful and inspiring.  Here is an […]

AOL Bulletin – 12th November 2014 – Love, Peace & Harmony

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to live in Peace FYI – Peace, Peace, Peace Be At Peace With Yourself This is simple but complex.  The YouTube from Mooji is only 4.10minutes and yet it really gets you thinking.  He finishes with…”Be at peace with yourself. Dont wait.” We spend so […]

AOL Bulletin – 5th November 2014 – Appreciate to Appreciate

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to go beyond Gratitude. FYI – Stop, Look & Listen Listen Consciously To Live Fully Julian Treasure’s passion (and mission) is listening.  He believes we are loosing the ability to do it effectively.  He recommends it be taught at school and if introduced he estimates […]