
Newsletters – Page 44

AOL Bulletin – 13th May 2015 – The New You

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to be OPEN HEARTED and GRATEFUL. FYI – Share You Heart  THE HEALING CODE The 6-Minute Antidote to Stress is your opportunity to experience the powerful effects that The Healing Code has on the body. You can use this 6-minute getaway when you feel depressed […]

AOL Bulletin – 6th May 2015 – It’s All The Little Things

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to service with Joy FYI – Service, What does it look like? Serving Unconditionally We all serve in our own way – the aim is to serve unconditionally –  this little dog certainly does –  watch this video, it will make you smile as you […]

AOL Bulletin – 29th April 2015 – Laugh & Light Up!

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to laugh more. FYI -Shifting Your Consciousness Can Be Fun Laughter is the Key The energy of laughing is so transformative.  It’s also contagious!  We found a wonderful YouTube this week that has been around for a while but epitomises just that.  Laughing Quadruplet Babies!  fills […]

AOL Bulletin – 22nd April 2015 – Be Openhearted

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind to Serve with a Full Heart. FYI – In Anothers Shoes Why Aren’t We All Good Samaritans? Daniel Goleman has some interesting observations of how good people have often simply ‘switched off’ and are oblivious to other’s needs and what is going on around them.   How […]

Thought for the Week

Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. – Napoleon Hill