
Newsletters – Page 36

AOL Bulletin – 23rd March, 2016 – Loving Kindness

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to be mindful every day. FYI – Working with the Light Using 100% of Your Brain – Dr. Bruce H. Lipton This exciting 9 minute video shows you how important it is to work with Light and create new neutral pathways.  We have worked before […]

AOL Bulletin – 16th March, 2016 – Lighting The Way

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to fill ourselves with Light. FYI – Inspirations Quantum Inspiration LEAVE OLD TEACHINGS OF ANY FEAR OF KUNDALINI BEHIND.. AWAKEN TO HIGHER LEVELS OF CONSCIOUSNESS, TRANSCENDENT FLOW OF YOU is Quantum!!!! On reading this we decided to look up the meaning of Quantum. Quantum: The […]

AOL Bulletin – 9th March, 2016 – DNA Beauty

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to focus on the beauty in everything FYI – DNA Transformation We have felt for many years that DNA could be altered – cleared, reactivated – to enhance the Soul’s journey.  Whether you use sound, intention, energy work such as ‘Theta Healing’ or ‘Talk to […]

AOL Bulletin – 2nd March, 2016 – A WHOLE New World

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us that we are perfect. FYI – The New World Rises Phoenix Rising It has often been said that the New Earth and its people can be likened to the phoenix rising and here it is!  This article sports amazing images of the Northern Lights taking […]

AOL Bulletin – 24th February, 2016 – Reality Check

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to ask ourselves – Is this real? FYI – What is your reality What Really Matters? This is an ad but what an ad!  Masterfoods asked Aussie families one simple question – “If you could have dinner with anyone, living or dead, who would you […]