
Newsletters – Page 32

AOL Bulletin – 10th August 2016 – The World Between

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to keep focused F.Y.I. –  CLARITY Clearing Negative Thought Forms Healing Meditation Anne Jones guides you through healing meditations for healing your mind, body and spirit … this meditation/visualisation is entitled Clearing Negative Thought Forms and is taken from the CD “The Healing Magic of […]

AOL Bulletin – 3rd August 2016 – Exploring

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to let go F.Y.I. – Expanding Your Mind Is This Evidence Of A Parallel Universe? With sightings of a ‘lost city’ in the sky, could a universe parallel to our own actually exist? Alltime Conspiracies investigates. Have fun – what do you feel when you […]

AOL Bulletin – 27th July 2016 – Shift and Balance

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to ‘mind our own business’ F.Y.I. – IT’S TIME THE LION’S GATE 2016 AND THE “MASTER CYCLE” “A New Cycle of Time and Creation”. On the 26th of July, you will enter into the Planetary New Year.  This is the Time celebrated by the Ancient […]

AOL Bulletin – 20th July 2016 – Heartfelt Focus

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to use our Wisdom and Compassion F.Y.I.  –  Be Amazed! Deep Astromony-The Hubble Ultra Deep Field in 3D A wonderful watch!!! Here is a Youtube that puts our problems into perspective … be enthralled, only 4.15mins long and over 8 million viewers. Wait to near […]

AOL Bulletin – 13th July, 2016 – Embracing Life

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to embrace life F.Y.I. – Connecting   This video was only released last month and is already going viral.  It is a must watch.  Have a tissue handy – it is so true. But the wonderful thing is that we can always change our ending.  […]